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Web scanners are evolving to secure modern web applications and their APIs

Tom Hudson (TH), Senior Security Researcher at Detectify, joined the Application Security Weekly podcast to talk about the status quo on web scanners and securing modern web applications. We’ve edited the transcript for brevity and taken some highlights from the pod episode below.

How To Build A Secure Open Source API Program

API security is one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity. The rise of new technologies like microservices, cloud-native applications, IoT devices, single-page applications, serverless, and mobile has led to increased use of APIs. Any internal application elements are now APIs connecting with one other through a network. A game API lets your applications and web services communicate with one another and share information such as rules, settings, specs, and data.

Detectify expands coverage for public APIs (in development)

Our security researchers happen to be talented bug bounty hunters as well as the brains behind of Detectify's efforts to develop a leading-edge API security scanner. Why is developing a reliable API security tool so challenging? It's because every API is different, which means it’s challenging to have a standardized approach to security testing on APIs. Almroth states that the team will focus on developing an API security scanner that focuses on server-side vulnerabilities. Both share that this is going to use fuzzing techniques.

Product Update: Detectify fuzzing engine will cover public-facing APIs

Detectify is expanding its web app fuzzing engine to scan public-facing APIs for vulnerabilities. Earlier in the year, we released a new fuzzing engine, and it was developed with API scanning in mind. In Fall 2021, we will roll out open beta testing. You can register for Detectify API fuzzer updates and beta testing program.

Detectify developing API security testing with fuzzing

Yes the rumors are true, the teams at Detectify are working hard at researching and developing security testing for APIs. Senior security researchers, Tom Hudson and Fredrik Nordberg Almroth answer questions about API security. Just like web apps, APIs can’t be secured with rule-based automated scanners - they need context! That’s why we are developing our fuzzing engine to cover public-facing APIs and test them like a hacker would.

Why API testing is critical for today's business applications

An application programming interface (API) enables communication and data exchange between two separate software systems. The application (or service) layer sits between the presentation and database layers and lays out the rules of how users can interact with services, data or functions of the application. API testing is a software testing practice that tests the functionality, reliability, performance and security of an API.

Automate and Integrate with Rubrik APIs

Managing a large distributed environment can get busy. Rubrik has created a comprehensive API that can be integrated with any other system or workflow to ensure consistency and save you time. This allows you the flexibility to leverage pre-made integrations or custom-build your own. APIs can be used to avoid long wait times and ticket overflow, and empower users to assign SLAs, perform restores or monitor backups.

Fork is The Way - Let's Make it Hurt Less

The Linux/UNIX process model creates a new process by cloning the currently running one using the fork() system call. Subsequently, exec()—or one of its variants—loads a new program image into the newly cloned child process. There are a variety of issues that stem from using this approach in modern systems. There are also various widely used techniques and APIs aiming to alleviate the issues in different ways with different degrees of success and quirks.

What is API Security and how to protect them

APIs are a key part of modern web application development transforming how organizations build, manage, and scale their web and mobile services. In this blog we discuss why APIs are the new web application security, highlighting the growing challenges of API security risks and sharing best practices for preventing API attacks.