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How and why you should secure APIs

APIs are a crucial tool in today’s business environment. Allowing applications to interact and exchange data and services means that companies can provide an ever-greater range of features and functionalities to their clients quickly and easily. So, it is no wonder that a quarter of businesses report that APIs account for at least 10% of their total revenue - a number that will only increase in coming years.

6 API Security Best Practices for Web Apps

Thinking about all the high-profile cyber threats that businesses face today can make you feel overwhelmed. The most devastating security breach incidents that made headlines, show the incidence of API abuse. Take Venmo, Panera, Equifax, WikiLeaks, and Uber’s hacks for example. With these incidents, it is clear that cybercriminals are becoming smarter, and many businesses are not focusing much on API security.

Improving GraphQL security with static analysis and Snyk Code

GraphQL is an API query language developed by Facebook in 2015. Since then, its unique features and capabilities have made it a viable alternative to REST APIs. When it comes to security, GraphQL servers can house several types of misconfigurations that result in data compromise, access control issues, and other high risk vulnerabilities. While security issues with GraphQL are widely known, there’s little information on finding them outside of using dynamic analysis.

Building a secure GraphQL API with Node.js

GraphQL provides security straight out of the box with validation and type-checking. However, it doesn’t fully address security concerns around APIs. In this article, we’ll learn how to secure GraphQL APIs by building a simple Node.js application using Fastify and GraphQL. According to its official documentation, GraphQL is a graph query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with our data.

Getting to grips with APIs

There’s nothing more frustrating than coming up against an API that won’t cooperate, no matter how hard or long you try! A key component of building integrations, APIs have been a big deal for over a decade. At this point, if a software company doesn’t have one, its technology is as good as obsolete. More than a third of analysts, in a new Tines survey, indicated that API-first is the single most important feature and capability they would look for when evaluating a new SOAR tool.

OWASP Top 10: API Security Threats

It’s no secret that APIs are under attack. Companies are struggling to keep their APIs safe and secure from accidental breaches to malicious hacks. The problem will only worsen as APIs become more complex and more companies rely on them for critical business functions. The security risks increase exponentially. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 2000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

Create an API Specification Scan

Traditionally Veracode Dynamic Analysis has targeted applications with a Web user interface. But increasingly, web applications are composed of many small microservices, many of which have Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces with which the UI layer communicates. With API scanning, you can now scan the APIs of your microservices earlier in the software development process, before they are integrated into a web application.