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Red Team Tools Detection and Alerting

The FireEye breach on Dec 8, 2020, was executed by a “nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” These hackers got a hold of FireEye’s own toolkit, which they can use to mount new attacks globally. What does this mean for you? Mandiant is a leading Red Team/Penetration Testing company with a highly sophisticated toolkit, called the "Red Team tools." These are digital tools that replicate some of the best hacking tools in the world.

How to build a serial port fuzzer with Defensics SDK

Defensics SDK makes fuzz testing possible for custom protocols. Learn how to create a custom injector using the Defensics SDK API. Fuzz testing is never a bad idea. If you aren’t testing your implementation with malformed or unexpected inputs, someone else may be able to exploit a weakness simply from running the system. And fuzz testing (or fuzzing) is not only about finding potential security issues—it can also increase the overall robustness of the system.

Build and Upload Files to Scan Using Veracode Static for Visual Studio

In this video, you will learn how to prepare a build of your application using Veracode Static for Visual Studio and upload the build to a new or existing application profile in your Veracode portfolio. Veracode Static for Visual Studio integrates with Visual Studio and assists you with compiling and uploading applications for scanning. It also provides quick information about potential security flaws in your applications, enabling remediation directly within your IDE.

What You Need To Know About Application Security Testing Orchestration

As the security threat landscape continues to evolve, choosing the best application security testing tools is just the first challenge for organizations investing in AppSec. Next, organizations need to figure out how to best orchestrate the application security testing technologies they are using in order to get the most out of them without losing valuable time. That’s where application security testing orchestration comes in.

Reviewing Findings in Veracode for VS Code

In this video, you will learn how to: Veracode IDE Scans find potential security issues in your code in seconds so that you can fix the findings directly in your IDE. Veracode for VS Code is an extension to Visual Studio Code, which performs an IDE Scan at the file level. It supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#. You can scan either a single file or all files in a selected Visual Studio folder.