Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Streaming Auth0 Logs to Datadog | Sivamuthu Kumar (Computer Enterprises, Inc.)

Are you using Auth0 in your application for user logins? How will you monitor the Auth0 logs and detect user actions that could indicate security concerns? In this session, we will see how Datadog helps you to extend security monitoring by analyzing Auth0 User activities in the logs. And also we will see how to set up threat detection rules to trigger notifications automatically based on them.

Data Security Summit- Mike Tornincasa and Kevin Mandia

The first 24 hours after a major security incident are critical to keeping your business up and running. What can you do to protect your organization’s valuable data and critical IT assets in the event of a ransomware attack? Come listen to Kevin Mandia, Mandiant CEO and security expert to learn best practices that IT leaders can put into practice today. Hear about the successes (and failures) of other organizations, and how your team can avoid being a victim.

Data Security Summit 2021 Recap

Is your data safe from ransomware attacks? Hear from security leaders from both the private and public sectors to learn why network, perimeter, and application security isn’t enough. Learn about new cyber/ransomware threats, how ransomware impacts every layer of your organization from board decisions to shareholder value, and how you can survive an attack without paying the ransom.

DevSecOps Road Trip Netherlands stop - Nanne Baars & Brian Vermeer

Session 1: From attack to writing code...what do you need to know as a developer? We will look at a concrete attack called: "XML external entity attack (XXE)" and see how we can trace it back to writing code. The described mitigations are simple: configure your parser securely, but is it this simple? We will focus on some examples and see if we can catch the attack with tests, code reviews, etc. Nanne Baars, Developer at Xebia and OWASP WebGoat Project lead