Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What is Active Directory

The simplest definition of Active Directory is that it is a directory service for Windows operating systems. But what does this actually mean? What is Active Directory used for? How can you manage it? Whether you are a new system administrator who wants to learn Active Directory basics, such as its structure, services, components and essential terminology, or a seasoned administrator looking to find new best practices and improve your skills even further, this eBook has something for you.

Data Privacy & Data Security Recommendations for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic caught a lot of businesses off-guard as "normal" working practices changed as many had to facilitate remote working. However, data privacy and security regulations, haven't changed, which makes it essential for any organization to ensure their processes are up-to-dated and communicated to staff. This guide looks at data security and data privacy, suggesting best practices for how businesses can secure data, as well as advice on how to follow data privacy rules during this difficult time.

CISA's recommendations on how to recognize and avoid email scams

Just as remote work has grown at an unprecedented rate across the world, so too have the number of email scams. Email is now the most popular attack vectors among adversaries. We've prepared a guide to help you understand the anatomy of popular email-based scams, how they work, and what you can do to avoid them. Key insights from the e-book.