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DevSecOps Cloud Security Solutions Buyer's Guide

The cloud has come a long way from Eric Schmidt's "modern" coining of the phrase in 2006. Today, companies and institutions are reliant upon a cloud infrastructure to run their day-to-day operations. This reliance and growth have also transformed the threat landscape and your cybersecurity requirements along with it. Though cloud service providers are working ceaselessly to shore up vulnerabilities and bolster defenses, the responsibility for your cloud assets does not solely lie with them. Estimates predict that by 2025, 99% of cloud failures will be caused by the customer.

Getting the best out of your SIEM

An effective SIEM solution ingests logs from different network sources to give visibility into user and host activities. It uses capabilities such as threat intelligence and behavioral analysis to set correlation rules to spot malicious activities within a network. This e-book will help you obtain the maximum value from your SIEM deployment by guiding you through 10 of the most critical capabilities capabilities.

The DevOps Guide To Vulnerability Management Tools In 2021

Imagine you are in charge of maintaining data for some of the most secretive government offices and powerful business entities globally. You have a significant investment in your security apparatuses protecting that knowledge. For years you haven't had a single blip or incident to cause any suspicion. Then the unthinkable happens, and from a single weak point, your entire network is compromised by malicious code hidden in an innocuous update.

Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity for Dummies

One of the best ways to defend against both internal and external attacks is to integrate anomaly detection, a.k.a. user and entity behavior analytics capabilities, into your security analytics solution. In this e-book, we break down the different types of security anomalies and explain what each one looks like. We also explain how to determine the risk score of every user and host in the network. Finally, we cover five ways in which you can harden your defenses with anomaly detection.

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Security

Learn how to protect your JavaScript web applications and customer data from cyberthreats. Discover how to secure your webpages and web applications so that your business can thrive. The guide highlights the fundamental risks associated with using JavaScript in an unprotected client-side environment and what web application developers and security professionals can do to better protect their websites and website users.

Security Service Edge (SSE) For Dummies

Grab your copy of the first ever book on SSE Security Service Edge (SSE) is described by Gartner as the security stack of services within a SASE architecture. SSE is fast, easy to use, and secures your business wherever your people and data go. In this book, you'll: Download the very first SSE For Dummies book on the market where we cut through the acronyms to give you a functional understanding of how this set of tools will impact your security going forward.

Digital-First SecOps: A CISO Perspective

Businesses of all types, and across all verticals, have gone digital-first. This shift enables many benefits, such as greater scalability and speed. But it also amplifies the security and compliance challenges that arise from digital systems. For CISOs, this shift amplifies the need to apply the same level of automation, speed, and business-wide accessibility for security that digitization has brought to other aspects of the business. In short, modern businesses need to adopt a digital-first approach to SecOps itself.