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11 security best practices for enterprises adopting a work-from-home model

A majority of companies are moving towards a work-from-home model in an effort to reduce costs and improve operational agility. However, along with these advantages, a remote workforce brings up numerous security concerns. Download this e-book to learn how to secure your network and safely support a remote workforce.

The US National Security Agency's best practices for cloud security.

To address the confusion surrounding cloud technology, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has published a guide explaining cloud technology and its vulnerabilities. We've made things easier by preparing a guide that gives you the best practices to fix these vulnerabilities, and keep your cloud environment secure.

Taking My DevOps To The Cloud: The Essential Guide to Selecting a Binary Repository Solution

Software businesses of every industry and all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, are looking for ways to accelerate their software development process in the race to innovate and deliver their offerings to their customers ahead of their competition.

Six Obstacles to Successful DevOps

In today's enterprises, software is your company's everyday face, whether through the desktop, the cloud, or a mobile device, to all parts of the globe. Cars are computers on wheels. Thermostats are data terminals. Banks live in your phone. In this new world, software updates serve customer's demands. Each one you deliver is your opportunity to renew - or, if botched, destroy - their trust. How can you make every update top-notch at top speed?

Leapfrog to the Future of DevOps

Two numbers are shaking the foundations of business. What do these two figures mean to your business? They mean that, odds are your competitive landscape is irrevocably changed - already. To start, expectations for delivery speed for new products, services, and everything are faster. The new table stakes in the DevOps world have raised the bar on collaboration, cross-organizational visibility, efficiency, even company culture. Another thing these two simple stats mean is that most businesses are already there, or heading there now.