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Patch Management for DevOps

According to Cisco's 2015 Annual Security Report, only four in ten IT departments have a coordinated patching strategy in place. The ramifications of this are evident in the rising frequency of enterprise data breaches year-on-year. You've certainly heard it before, but it's worth repeating again: unpatched and out-of-date systems are a leading cause of security incidents.

The Four Prerequisites for DevOps Success

The benefits of DevOps are more and more apparent every day. Faster recoveries, higher change success rate, better time to market - it's everything a CIO could want and more. But before you go all-in, you might want to take a minute to learn what makes DevOps initiatives succeed or fail. What are the basic steps you can take now to ensure that DevOps will succeed within your organization?

20 Most Common CASB Use Cases

As people and organizations adopt cloud services, Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) have become a must-have for any information security team. CASBs provide critical capabilities such as governing access and activities in sanctioned and unsanctioned cloud services, securing sensitive data and preventing its loss, and protecting against internal and external threats.