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KubeCon EU 2022 - Trends & Highlights

Kubecon EU returned to Spain. This time to Valencia, city of paella and horchata and, of course, a great place for big events. We had a great time meeting you all in person, and attending the talks. Here are our hot takes from the event. The main event started on Wednesday, but before that different co-located events took place: Ebpf Day, Cloud Native SecurityCon, and PrometheusDay among others. These events gathered a large number of attendees.

How to use Atomic Red Team to test Falco rules in K8s

The best way to know if something works is to try it out. Ensuring that your security products are actually working is a fundamental task of routine maintenance. This is why it is so useful to use tools like Atomic Red Team that generate suspicious events based on ATT&CK techniques and see how Falco triggers alerts. In this blog, we will cover how to install and run the Atomic Red Team environment on a Kubernetes system for testing Falco rules.

OPA Design Patterns: Offline Configuration Authorization

An OPA design pattern, as detailed in a previous post, gives you an architectural solution to solve one or more common policy problems. In this blog post, we describe what we call the Offline Configuration Authorization design pattern for OPA. Remember that each OPA design patterns covers the following information.

4 Tips for an Airtight Kubernetes Security Policy

Kubernetes powers significant automation capabilities for developers in deploying, managing, scaling, and ensuring the availability of containerized apps. Data from 2021 shows that adoption continues to rise with over 5.6 million developers now using the industry’s favored container orchestration engine. However, Kubernetes and containerization introduce new complexities that pose unique security challenges.

What we learned at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022: From presentations to accolades

It was a busy week last week at KubeCon +CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain. It seemed like the entire world related to Kubernetes came together after two years of being apart. It was fulfilling meeting up with our peers and gaining market insight- face-to-face. Catalogic’s core messaging this year has revolved around cyber-resilience for data protection.

Introducing our brand new (and free!) Calico Azure Course

Calico Open Source is an industry standard for container security and networking that offers high-performance cloud-native scalability and supports Kubernetes workloads, non-Kubernetes workloads, and legacy workloads. Created and maintained by Tigera, Calico Open Source offers a wide range of support for your choice of data plane whether it’s Windows, eBPF, Linux, or VPP. We’re excited to announce our new certification course for Azure, Certified Calico Operator: Azure Expert!

Improving AWS Security Services with Sysdig Secure

One of the primary goals of information security is to protect data, which of course entails protecting the resources that store and provide access to that data. According to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, organizations need to develop and implement the necessary protections to restrict or mitigate the effect of a possible cybersecurity incident. Security should be integrated right from the source of the cloud architecture design process.

Shift left is only part of secure software delivery

We’re living in the age of accelerated consumption and delivery. You can get a seemingly infinite selection of products delivered to your door within two days, for free, from thousands of miles away. You can access an endless variety of services online within mere seconds: Movies, music, games, education and even health care. These modern marvels are afforded to us by relatively recent advances in software development, delivery and operations.