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Getting started with container security

A couple of days ago, I was checking my Twitter feed and saw a tweet from someone saying how frustrated he was that DockerHub (a renowned container registry) was down. Someone else replied to the tweet, recommending the tweet’s author to check out Google’s repository, where they have DockerHub mirrors in Google Cloud.

How to Shape OPA Data for Policy Performance

In Tim Hinrich’s prior blog titled the Three-Body Problem for Policy, he dives into the interconnected relationship between policy, data and software. He identifies a key consideration when using OPA — that “policies can only be evaluated when provided with the correct data.” The full blog is well worth the read to better understand the role of data and its correctness in your policy implementation.

The New Kubernetes Gateway API and Its Use Cases

Despite being a large open-source and complex project, Kubernetes keeps on evolving at an impressive pace. Being at the center of various platforms and solutions, the biggest challenge for the Kubernetes project is to remain vendor-neutral. This is the reason the community has come up with Kubernetes Gateway API.

A CISO's Guide to Container Security: Understanding Vulnerabilities & Best Practices

Companies are introducing new apps and services to enable remote work, improve supply chains and handle disruptions caused by the pandemic. Our digital-first world thrives on speed and efficiency, and containers play a huge part in getting applications up and running quickly. Though containers offer many advantages over traditional virtualization, they also introduce significant security risks.

Tackle cloud-native adoption and security hurdles with Coforge and Sysdig

The desire to take advantage of the modern cloud-native paradigm has forced many enterprises to rush to production with Kubernetes and containerized applications. Often, the incorrect expectation with cloud-native adoption is that Ops teams would be able to easily transition their existing security and operational practices, workflows and tooling to these new software development platforms and everything would still work as before.

How to Secure and Protect Your Kubernetes Cluster?

Kubernetes is the de-facto container management platform of today and the future. It has increased the scalability and flexibility of applications and eliminated vendor lock-in. Kubernetes also brings a lot of security native features; however, with security, the devil is always in the details. By default, the security of cloud services, applications, and infrastructure is not in the scope of Kubernetes. This does not mean that running Kubernetes is destructive and makes your applications vulnerable.

Automatic Kubernetes Data Replication with Open Policy Agent (Part 1)

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is widely used to provide security and compliance policy guardrails for Kubernetes. The built-in role-based access controls in Kubernetes are not sufficient for fine-grained policy. OPA is a proven solution for implementing strong, granular policy checks for cluster resources during Admission Control. OPA users implement fine-grained policy in the form of rules written in Rego, the declarative policy language of OPA.

Navigating the Challenges of Cross-Cluster Migration of Kubernetes Workloads with CloudCasa

Cross-cluster migration of Kubernetes workloads continues to be challenging since workloads are isolated from each other by design. There are several reasons why you may want to separate your workloads, whether it is to reduce complexity or to have the cluster closer to the user base. However, this can be complex as Kubernetes has many components.

Secure Amazon EKS Access with Teleport

Enterprises are embracing the cloud native paradigm for agility, scalability, composability, and portability. Kubernetes, the open source container orchestration engine, is the foundation of modern, cloud native workloads. AWS customers can leverage managed Kubernetes available in the form of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or deploy a cluster based on upstream Kubernetes distribution running in a set of Amazon EC2 instances.