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Survey Reveals Kubernetes Usage Skyrocketing, but Security Concerns Remain

Containers have become a popular technology for enterprises that need to create agile, scalable and reliable applications. As they’re moving containerized workloads into production, many are adopting Kubernetes for container orchestration. While containerization enables DevOps to deploy software fast and efficiently, it also creates new security challenges, especially for those who’ve accelerated their implementation of this complex technology.

Falco in the open

One of the most successful aspects of Kubernetes is how functional the open source community was able to operate. Kubernetes broke itself down in smaller sections called special interest groups, that operate similarly to subsections of the kernel. Each group is responsible for a single domain, and sets their own pace. One of the most important things to a Kubernetes SIG, is the residual SIG calls.

Minimize Kubernetes Compliance Audit Heartache

As Kubernetes matures and moves from exploration into production, we on the Styra and Open Policy Agent teams are starting to hear of a new trend. It’s part of any kind of operational lifecycle for many companies and it goes something like this: DevOps: Our Kube environment is performant, secure, and compliant by design! Auditor: K. Walk me through every line of code you typed since time began.

Introducing the new Sysdig Secure policy editor

Among many other features Sysdig Secure version 2.4 introduces a new and improved runtime policy editor, along with a comprehensive library combining out-of-the-box run-time policies from our threat research teams, container-specific compliance standards, Kubernetes security and Falco opensource community rules.

Sysdig Secure 2.4 introduces runtime profiling for anomaly detection + new policy editor for enhanced security.

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of Sysdig Secure 2.4! With this release, Sysdig adds runtime profiling to enhance anomaly detection and introduces brand new interfaces that improve runtime security policy creation and vulnerability reporting. These features are focused on upgrading the experience of creating your security policy to detect security threats and attacks to your infrastructure and apps.