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Five Ways to Quickly Uncover Malicious Activity and Protect Your Kubernetes Workloads

Organizations are rapidly moving more and more mission-critical applications to Kubernetes (K8s) and the cloud to reduce costs, achieve faster deployment times, and improve operational efficiencies, but are struggling to achieve a strong security posture because of their inability to apply conventional security practices in the cloud environment. Commitment to cloud security grows, but security safeguards are not keeping up with the increased use of the various cloud platforms.

TripAdvisor: Building a Testing Framework for Integrating Open Policy Agent into Kubernetes

From the Open Policy Agent Summit at KubeCon, Luke Massa from TripAdvisor discusses how he leveraged OPA’s API and unit test framework. The example shown is a system in which you write k8s admission policy alongside some mock changes to the cluster, some of which should be accepted and some of which should not be, and then run code that tells you whether your policy matches your expectation.

PSA: Beware of Exposing Ports in Docker

Docker is an awesome technology, and it’s prevalent in nearly every software developer’s workflow. It is useful for creating identical environments and sharing them between development, testing, production, and others. It’s a great way to ship a reliable software environment between systems or even to customers. However, like with any technology, one must know how to be secure when using it.

Modern compliance with Sysdig Secure DevOps Platform

Authorization to Operate (ATO) in a day and on-going authorization are compliance nirvana. The ATO is the authorizing official’s statement that they accept the risk associated with the system running in production environments using live business data. The idea that all of the information necessary to make a risk decision is at hand and can be consumed by decision makers is what every compliance program is trying to achieve.

Inline Image Scanning for AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild

In this blog post you’ll learn how to set up image vulnerability scanning for AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild using Sysdig Secure DevOps Platform. AWS provides several tools for DevOps teams: CodeCommit for version control, CodeBuild for building and testing code, and CodeDeploy for automatic code deployment. The block on top of all these tools is CodePipeline that allows them to visualize and automate these different stages.