Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Sysdig extends security across all AWS container services

Cloud teams are increasingly adopting AWS container services to deliver applications faster at scale. Along with the roll out of cloud native architectures with containers and orchestration, what’s needed to stay on top of the security, performance and health of applications and infrastructure has shifted. At Sysdig, we’ve worked with Amazon to provide tools and integrations that help secure your Cloud Native workloads deployed across all AWS container services.

New Kubernetes PCI DSS Compliance Packs, And More

As enterprises adopt cloud-first or cloud-native strategies, Kubernetes is by far the most important strategic consideration. At the same time, for the large subset of these enterprises which take payment from consumers, PCI DSS has never been more critical. More than ever, enterprises have to pay attention to data security (and their commitment to improving security posture) in order to meet compliance requirements. So what has to change to meet compliance in a Kubernetes-based environment?

Security Policy as Code Now Fully Automated with Calico Enterprise 2.6

We are excited to announce the general availability of Calico Enterprise 2.6 (formerly known as Tigera Secure). With this release, it is now possible to fully-automate Security-Policy-as-Code within a CI-CD pipeline, including the ability to implement security as a Canary rollout, which is the most critical requirement to automating network security.

Securing Google Cloud Run serverless workloads

Google Cloud Run is a serverless compute platform that automatically scales your stateless containers. In this post we are going to showcase how to secure the entire lifecycle of your Cloud Run services. Sysdig provides a secure DevOps workflow for Cloud Run Platforms that embeds security, maximizes availability and validates compliance across the serverless lifecycle. Sysdig Secure Devops Platform is open by design, with the scale, performance and usability enterprises demand.

Series A Financing to Continue Styra's Vision

This week, I'm pleased to announce that we closed our $14M Series A financing round. We look forward to partnering with our new investor, Accel, who led the round alongside existing investors, Unusual Ventures and A.Capital. Accel's Eric Wolford will join our board, bringing a wealth of open source experience from Heptio, SysDig and Corelight.