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Open Source

Bytesafe Community Edition: Bringing Enterprise Security to All

Bytesafe is a secure package management solution that helps organizations of all sizes protect their software supply chains from known vulnerabilities and other threats. In our commitment to enhance the security of open-source ecosystems, today we are excited to announce the availability of Bytesafe Community Edition, a free and open source version of our software that is available.

Unleashing the power of community-driven cloud security

As cloud technology continues to be a cornerstone of modern businesses and organizations, securing cloud environments has become more crucial than ever. Enter cloud security posture management (CSPM), a proactive approach to ensuring the security of cloud infrastructures. With CSPM, organizations can continuously monitor, assess, and remediate potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in their cloud environments. But when choosing a CSPM solution, is open source the way to go?

What is OSINT?

OSINT stands for open-source intelligence. It is the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information from publicly available sources, such as social media, government reports, newspapers, and other public documents. OSINT is commonly used by intelligence agencies, private investigators, and law enforcement to gather information about an individual or organization. The OSINT framework showcases the multiple ways in which organizations can gather intelligence.

Software Composition Analysis Explained

Open source code is everywhere, and it needs to be managed to mitigate security risks. Developers are tasked with creating engaging and reliable applications faster than ever. To achieve this, they rely heavily on open source code to quickly add functionality to their proprietary software. With open source code making up an estimated 60-80% of proprietary applications’ code bases, managing it has become critical to reducing an organization’s security risk.

2023 OSSRA deep dive: jQuery and open source security

According to the 2023 “Open Source Security and Risk Analysis” (OSSRA) report, 96% of commercial code contains open source. In fact, 76% of the code scanned by Black Duck® Audit Services was open source. In other words, no matter what applications your organization builds, uses, or sells, you can be virtually certain that the application contains open source.

What's The Difference Between Software Supply Chain Security vs SCA?

Protecting the software supply chain is now a major organizational priority. Two weapons in the arsenal to help protect against data breaches and digital attacks are software supply chain security and software composition analysis (SCA). Here’s a look at Software Supply Chain Security vs SCA. The world today runs on software and ensuring it is reliable and secure can be a dicey proposition.

Curating Open source Libraries on JFrog Platform, part II.

Software supply chain security has been the most widely discussed topic for anyone who is writing applications utilizing the majority of open-source or third-party libraries. This webinar will showcase JFrog Platform's abilities to curate and compose workflows to help isolate libraries that have vulnerabilities and promote libraries to repositories that can be safely used. This webinar will also demonstrate self-service curation workflows.

Hands-on guide: How to scan and block container images to mitigate SBOM attacks

According to OpenLogic’s Open Source Adoption and Expansion in 2022 Report, the adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) across all sizes of organizations is rising with 40% of respondents stating an increase of OSS software over the previous year and 36% reporting a significant increase in OSS software usage. The increase in OSS adoption can be attributed to a number of factors including access to the latest innovations, reduction in costs and frequent product updates.

Deceptive 'Vibranced' npm Package Discovered Masquerading as Popular 'Colors' Package

A new malicious package has been detected on the Node Package Manager (npm) repository that poses a significant threat to users who may unknowingly install it. Named ‘Vibranced,’ the package has been carefully crafted to mimic the popular ‘colors’ package, which has over 20 million weekly downloads.