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Access Brokers: Who Are the Targets, and What Are They Worth?

Access brokers have become a key component of the eCrime threat landscape, selling access to threat actors and facilitating myriad criminal activities. Many have established relationships with big game hunting (BGH) ransomware operators and affiliates of prolific ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) programs.

Take Control of Your Cloud Security: Introducing Storage Tiering for Microsoft Azure

As organizations deploy more and more cloud native workloads, the ability to protect them in a secure and cost-effective manner is becoming increasingly important. Data access is also more widely spread, making it even more critical to meet this protection need with a secure, logically air-gapped copy of that data.

Like Father Like Son? New Mars Stealer

First observed in 2021 and advertised as a standalone version on various cybercriminal forums, Mars is an information stealer mainly targeting Windows victim credentials and cryptocurrency wallets including 2FA plugins and any essential system information. Mars is also capable of loading any type of file by downloading and executing them from a given drop-zone. Over the past several months, Mars took the place of a solid info stealer.

AvosLocker - the Rising Star of Ransomware

AvosLocker is a relatively new ransomware written in C++ that was first seen in June 2021. Their business model is ‘Ransomware-as-a-Service’ (RaaS), and even though they have been operating for less than a year now, they’ve been successful overall when it comes to victims. The group openly and publicly tries to recruit new members to its team and operates a TOR leak site, showcasing the latest victims, as all other ransomware groups do.

5 Ways Ransomware Can Negatively Impact Your Business

In the past year, virtually every day has brought news of another debilitating ransomware attack. And, in many of those attacks, there were key lessons that can be applied to companies like yours. This article will recap five real-life impacts of recent ransomware attacks. It will also provide best practices you can follow to prevent your organization from becoming a potential victim.

Defend Against Ransomware and Malware with Falcon Fusion and Falcon Real Time Response

Adversaries are moving beyond malware and becoming more sophisticated in their attacks by using legitimate credentials and built-in tools to evade detection by traditional antivirus products. According to the CrowdStrike 2022 Global Threat Report, 62% of detections indexed by the CrowdStrike Security Cloud in Q4 2021 were malware-free.

25 Common Types of Malware & How To Identify Them

Viruses, worms, ransomware — even the least tech-savvy among us know what these are, and want to avoid them if at all possible. What do they all have in common (besides the fact that they can lock up your devices and attempt to steal your data)? They all fall under the malware umbrella.

Ransomware, Immutability, And All That Jazz

There’s no denying it: ransomware is now big business. Entire supply chains exist where organized criminals specialize in one or more parts of the crime. The growing popularity of Ransomware-as-a-Service significantly lowers the technical bar of entry for cybercriminals. Some specializations include gaining access to credentials, penetrating hosts, identifying data, delivering encryption payloads, and accepting and distributing the ransom money.