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Secure RBAC / SSO for Kubernetes with Teleport OSS and Github Teams

The promise of elastic scale and cloud native has driven the demand for K8s, but developers now have the harder task of building applications in a secure manner. This talk will focus on best practices and potential pitfalls for securing K8s for the engineering team by using the K8s API server and control plane. Join us for a how-to on implementing a robust Role Based Access Control (RBAC) tied into the corporate SSO/Identity provider using Github Teams and open source software.

How to Set Up an Open Source Strategy

Open source components have become the basic building blocks of software applications, comprising 60%-80% of the software projects. As open source usage has established itself as an industry standard and the default choice of software production, software development organizations are required to set up an open source strategy.

ECMWF - How Third Parties Securely Access Supercomputing Clusters

To the average person, weather forecasts inform whether or not they need to bring an umbrella to the office. But to some, it can be quite literally a matter of life and death. Organizations like the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) sit at the center of a web of highly sensitive operations, providing them weather predictions and reports.

Top 10 Reasons to Use CloudCasa vs. your Cloud Vendor's Backup

We discussed in previous blogs the need for data protection for Kubernetes and what’s different about CloudCasa. CloudCasa was designed to address the gap in data protection and disaster recovery that exists in all the leading Kubernetes distributions and managed cloud services. Further, another pain point that CloudCasa addresses is that your cloud-based applications may well be hybrid and multi-cloud applications that use both container-based storage and serverless databases.

Key Kubernetes audit logs for monitoring cluster security

Kubernetes continues to be a popular platform for deploying containerized applications, but securing Kubernetes environments as you scale up is challenging. Each new container increases your application’s attack surface, or the number of potential entry points for unauthorized access. Without complete visibility into every managed container and application request, you can easily overlook gaps in your application’s security as well as malicious activity.

SDLC Security: It's Personal for JFrog

The SolarWinds hack, which has affected high-profile Fortune 500 companies and large U.S. federal government agencies, has put the spotlight on software development security — a critical issue for the DevOps community and for JFrog. At a fundamental level, if the code released via CI/CD pipelines is unsafe, all other DevOps benefits are for naught.