Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Extensibility and the Snyk API: our vision, commitment, and progress

At Snyk, we strongly believe in empowering developers to take ownership of security. Developers are the builders of today and ultimately hold the keys to successfully securing their code. Only a developer-first approach, one that combines developer-friendly tooling together with guidance by security, can help organizations traverse the path to better-secured applications.

Seven Tips to Evaluate and Choose the Right DevSecOps Solutions

Demand for DevSecOps products has been growing strongly, as more companies realize the importance of integrating security into their DevOps pipelines. However, IT and DevOps pros who dive into the DevSecOps market looking for options quickly realize that the number of DevSecOps tools and frameworks is vast and confusing.

Automate DAST in DevSecOps With JFrog and NeuraLegion

NeuraLegion’s VP Oliver Moradov takes us through how you can use JFrog and NeuraLegion to automate AppSec testing in your pipelines. The days of long release cycles are well and truly behind us — it is simply not feasible in our agile development world, with developers delivering software and more features at an unprecedented scale and speed. With DevOps, we have multiple development teams running multiple concurrent builds, which is great, but security testing has not kept up.

Three Open Source Software Security Myths Dispelled

Used by developers around the world, open source components comprise 60%-80% (and likely more) of the codebase in modern applications. Open source components speed the development of proprietary applications, save money, and help organizations stay on the cutting edge of technology development. Despite the widespread adoption of open source components, myths persist about its usage. The following are the top three concerns associated with open source use.

OPA + Styra DAS free up time and resources for a CRM solution

Let’s say you were going to plan a security project. (Almost any project, really.) The following might be a pretty solid list of goals to aim for: That’s a pretty solid list - and might even read like “too much to ask for.” Yet, it’s exactly what SugarCRM received after deploying Styra DAS to manage Open Policy Agent (OPA) for Kubernetes guardrails.

Using OPA for multicloud policy and process portability

How Open Policy Agent allows developer teams to write and enforce consistent policy and authorization across multicloud and hybrid cloud environments As multicloud strategies become fully mainstream, companies and dev teams are having to figure out how to create consistent approaches among cloud environments.