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Automate container security with Dockerfile pull requests

Integration with your source code managers and issuing pull requests to fix issues has been part of Snyk’s success in helping our customers fix application dependencies for several years. Now, we want to help you address container security in a similar way. We’re happy to share that we are extending Snyk Container by helping you automatically fix issues in your Dockerfile to keep an up-to-date base image at all times.

Defining Developer-first Container Security

Have you shifted left, yet? That’s the big trend, isn’t it? It’s meant to signal a movement of security responsibilities, moving from central IT teams over to developers, but that’s trickier than it sounds. Simply taking tools that are intended for use by security experts and making them run earlier in the supply chain does not provide developers with meaningful information.

Why should DevOps teams choose IAST?

No matter where you are in your AppSec program, IAST tools can grow and scale with your organization’s needs. DevOps principles and practices are continuing to be adopted by a wide variety of companies, and here at Synopsys we’re working with our customers to help them in this journey. When it comes to DevSecOps, we have a comprehensive portfolio of products and services to help build security into every DevOps environment.

Solving Java security issues in my Spring MVC application

The Spring MVC framework is a well-known Java framework to build interactive web applications. It implements the Model-View-Controller architecture pattern to separate the different aspects of your application. Separating the different logic elements like representation logic, input logic, and business logic is generally considered good architectural practice.

Docker Hub Authentication: Is 2021 the year you enable 2FA on Docker Hub?

Judging by the reactions I saw in the audience during my past talks on “Securing Containers By Breaking In”, as well as recent reactions on Twitter, not many know about Docker Hub’s fairly recent multi-factor authentication feature. In October 2019, in order to improve the Docker Hub authentication mechanism, Docker rolled out a beta release of two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA).

Hitting Snooze on Alert Fatigue in Application Security

Medical devices, subway car doors, severe weather warnings, heavy machinery, car alarms, software security alerts. They all notify you to indicate that something is wrong so that you can take action to prevent harm. Hospital monitors can detect a wide range of issues, from an incorrect dose of medication to an irregular heartbeat and beyond. They can quite literally save a life. The same goes for severe weather alerts that warn of impending tornadoes or hurricanes.

Snyk Expands Into Asia Pacific Japan

At the beginning of 2021, I noted that Snyk was ready to soar. And soar we have…the rocket ship’s next stop? Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ). I would like to welcome Shaun McLagan, our new Vice President of APJ Sales, and our new partners Temasek, an investment company headquartered in Singapore, and Geodesic Capital, a venture capital firm that specializes in helping technology companies expand into Asia, to the Snyk family.