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Collect and monitor Microsoft 365 audit logs with Datadog

Microsoft 365 is a suite of cloud-based productivity and communication services that includes Microsoft Office applications (including OneNote and OneDrive) as well as other popular Microsoft tools like Skype and Teams. Microsoft 365 tools and services are at the core of many organizations’ data management and day-to-day workflows, so monitoring activity across your environment is key to making sure that these services remain secure and meet compliance standards.

How We Use Fuzzing Integrated by Ada Logics

This summer, Ada Logics integrated continuous fuzzing into Teleport to strengthen the security posture of the project. We’d like to thank Adam Korczynski from Ada Logics for initiating contact and doing the work. In this blog post, we will give a brief introduction to fuzzing and explain how to carry on the work moving forward. The motive for this work was to take the first steps in implementing fuzzing into Teleport’s development pipeline.

OPA the Easy Way featuring Styra DAS!

If you have used Open Policy Agent (OPA), you must have used OPA Playground to write and test out your Rego policies. I always wished for a feature where the policies in the playground can be directly applied in OPA. Basically, a control plane which allows policy authoring and enforcement easily. In KubeCon NA 2020, Styra (creators of OPA) launched a free edition of their Declarative Authorisation Service (DAS).

Integrate Datadog Compliance Monitoring with your AWS Well-Architected workloads

Many of our customers rely on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework as a guide to build safe, secure, and performant applications in the cloud. AWS offers the Well-Architected Review (WAR) Tool as a centralized way to track and trend adherence to Well-Architected best practices. It allows users to define workloads and answer a set of questions regarding operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization.

Wishes Do Come True: Fast Development, Secure Delivery

Organizations re-thinking their software delivery lifecycle are faced with a dilemma: how to speed up the pace of development necessary to surpass their competition, without sacrificing the security of the applications they’re delivering? CI/CD practices and tools have risen up to help meet this need, but fitting legacy applications and security tools into these modern pipelines exposes new gaps that risk slowing release velocity.

Introducing Teleport Cloud | Access Management SaaS | Servers - Clusters - Applications

Teleport Cloud allows you to secure access to your servers, Kubernetes clusters, and Web applications while leaving the operation of your Unified Access Plane to the experts at Teleport. You can still control access to your compute resources anywhere else in the cloud, plugin approval workflows, and use your choice of SSO identity provider. But now you can get your security deployed faster, and you have peace of mind knowing Teleport is continually patched, monitored, and maintained for you.

What is Styra Declarative Authorization Service?

Whether you’re a developer or an IT professional (or a bit of both!), enforcing and managing authorization policies for the new containerized world is a whole different ball game than it was before. There’s the complex nature of modern applications — composed of multiple microservices, housed in containers — and then there’s the dynamic nature of platforms like Kubernetes, running those applications.

Unify Access to Cloud - Iterating on Identity-Based Management

The maturation of software development has been driven by the increasing segmentation of functions into their own portable environments. Infrastructure is splintered into dozens of computing resources, physical servers, containers, databases, Kubernetes pods, dashboards, etc. Such compartmentalization has made it incredibly simple for developers to enter their desired environments with minimal disruption to other working parts.

Outpost24 Webinar: Mastering container security in modern day DevOps

Join our webinar as our cloud security expert examines the security challenges that come with container adoption and unpack the key steps required to integrate and automate container assessment into the DevOps cycle to help developers build and deploy cloud native apps at speed whilst keeping one eye on security.