Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Survey: Nearly Half of Manufacturers Suffered a Digital Attack in the Last Year

Confidence isn’t new when it comes to cybersecurity. All the way back in 2015, for example, 86% of security professionals working in the energy sector told Tripwire that they were confident they could detect a breach in a week. Just less than half (49%) said it wouldn’t take them longer than a day to spot an attack. It was the same story a year later when Tripwire surveyed infosec professionals in the retail sector.

SecurityScorecard Finds USAID Hack Much Larger Than Initially Thought

SecurityScorecard’s Investigations & Analysis team conducted an investigation into the details surrounding the attack. As has been previously reported, the attack has been potentially attributed to the organization commonly known as Cozy Bear, but our investigation found that the campaign is likely much larger, and began much earlier than has been reported.

What is an Advanced Persistent Threat in Cybersecurity?

Corporate cybersecurity professionals must be on constant alert to avoid the wide range of cyberattacks that can be thrown at them today: malware, ransomware, trojan horses, social engineering, and spear-phishing attacks, to name just a few. Among the most serious of attacks is the advanced persistent threat (APT). An APT is an attack that uses sophisticated methods to gain access to information systems and sensitive information.

Why Is Cybersecurity Important?

It’s the stuff of IT managers’ nightmares and it is coming to a server near you: ransomware attacks, phishing schemes, privacy breaches, and other yet-to-be imagined cyber threats aiming to pilfer the sensitive data stored on your IT systems. Cybercriminals target large companies like Microsoft, Equifax, Expedia, and Barnes & Noble just to mention a few big victims from 2020.

Cloud Threats Memo: Takeaways From the Q1 2021 Phishing Activity Trend Report

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has just released its Phishing Activity Trend Report for Q1 2021. The first findings are easily predictable; the dispersion of the workforce is pushing phishing attacks to new records: just in January 2021, the APWG detected 245,771 unique phishing sites, the highest number reported so far.

What you need to know about Process Ghosting, a new executable image tampering attack

Security teams defending Windows environments often rely on anti-malware products as a first line of defense against malicious executables. Microsoft provides security vendors with the ability to register callbacks that will be invoked upon the creation of processes on the system. Driver developers can call APIs such as PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx to receive such events.

Cyber Kill Chain: What It Is, How It Works

What is the cyber kill chain? What is an example of the Cyber Kill Chain? What are the 7 steps of the cyber kill chain? Is the Cyber Kill Chain outdated? Cyber Kill Chain vs Mitre Att&ck Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

Threats targeting Kubernetes and Defences

Attackers are continuously evolving their techniques to target Kubernetes. They are actively using Kubernetes and Docker functionality in addition to traditional attack surfaces to compromise, gain required privileges and add a backdoor entry to the clusters. A combination of Kubernetes security and observability tools is required to ensure the cloud infrastructure monitoring and lockdown and to enable DevSecOps teams with the right tools for the job.

10 Supply Chain Security Tips That Won't Slow Development Down

As supply chain attacks continue to dominate headlines, software development teams are beginning to realize that package management can’t be taken lightly — the threats hidden under the hood are real. In this installment of The Source, we want to talk about the practices and tools that developers need to adopt in order to protect against supply chain attacks.

Understanding the software supply chain security requirements in the cybersecurity Executive Order

President Biden’s cybersecurity executive order from last month should cause little surprise for anyone following news headlines over the past year. The order is the U.S. Federal Government’s important response to a long list of incidents, starting with the SolarWinds attack and ending with a recent ransomware attack against Colonial Pipeline —- the largest known attack against a US energy firm.