Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


CISO Health and Wellness: An Unconventional Solution to a Systemic Challenge

At a swanky steak house on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, I sat with 100 other security professionals in a dimly lit wood-panelled room, its walls lined with photographs of famous and near-famous patrons. Nearly all of us were at least one cocktail into our evening of high gustation, storytelling, and network building. (Old Fashioneds were the drink of choice that evening).

From reactive to proactive: Leveraging vCISO solutions to elevate managed security services

The cybersecurity landscape is becoming increasingly complex and challenging for businesses of all sizes. As an MSP, you're well aware of the growing demand for comprehensive security and compliance solutions. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can help your clients navigate this complex landscape while unlocking new revenue streams for your business.

EP 25 - Cisco CX Cloud CISO on the Language of Risk

We all accept a certain degree of risk in our lives. So, to varying degrees, we’re all operating – to use cybersecurity parlance – with an assume breach mindset. Meaning, we accept that attacks are inevitable and, as such, we focus time and effort on protecting the assets that matter most. In short, we buckle up for safety.

Hello CISO - Episode 11 - Part 2: Hiring Top Tier Security Professionals

Hiring can be more art than science. What should you look for when hiring security professionals? How important are degrees and certifications, really? In this episode, Troy breaks down how to spot the brightest talent. Hello CISO is a collaboration between Troy Hunt and the people who build the world's most trusted enterprise password manager.

CISO Matters: How to Win Security Allies and Influence the Business

The rumors are true: it can get lonely at the top. As a CISO, I have many teams below me, a board of directors to keep happy and an organization to protect. This is nothing new, and at this stage of my career, I’ve become familiar with the many challenges — and even greater rewards — that go hand in hand with leading. Of course, it helps that I’ve been managing from the jump.

CISO and Trust: Why It Matters

Chief information security officers (CISOs) have both internal- and external-facing roles. Externally, they must constantly scan the horizon for potential threats. Internally, they must implement, communicate, and champion best practices for security at their enterprises. In a time of sprawling global supply chains and growing automation, the role of the CISO is more complex than ever. To carry out this role effectively, CISOs must learn the importance of trust management.

CISO Leadership Panel: Tips on Hiring and Keeping SOC Talent

Due to economic pressures, staffing reductions, and lack of available talent, CISOs today are facing extreme pressure to do more with less. And retaining your best employees during tough times is becoming a major challenge across industries. Research at Devo shows SOC analysts are feeling stressed over too much work and not enough resources. In fact, more than 71% of SOC professionals we surveyed said they’re likely to quit their job because of information overload and lack of tools.

Hello CISO - Episode 10: The CISO Regulation Minefield

You can’t undertake every compliance initiative under the sun, so how do you prioritize? Talk to the right people, understand the ripple effects of each initiative, and know which will harm and which will strengthen security. Hello CISO is a collaboration between Troy Hunt and the people who build the world's most trusted enterprise password manager.