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CISOs and cybersecurity in an economic downturn: do more with less

The financial outlook for the rest of 2023 and 2024 is far from cheery, and economic uncertainty is affecting everyone and everything, including the cybersecurity sector. Security budget cuts or freezes are the course many organizations are tempted to take in this financially precarious situation. Conservative spending is a natural response to the present economic downturn and a possible recession knocking on our doors, implying fewer clients, lower profits, and higher costs.

The Great Resignation of CISOs: Relieve Burnout Through Automated System Hardening

The cybersecurity landscape is witnessing a phenomenon that has come to be known as the “Great Resignation” among Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). The challenges faced by CISOs in coping with ever-increasing regulations, compliance mandates, and the need for skilled resources have reached a tipping point. Coupled with a lack of cooperation from the C-suite, these factors have led to a surge in burnout among CISOs.

CISO advice - building a comprehensive secrets management program

Jason Haddix is the CISO of BuddoBot and former CISO/Head of Security at UbiSoft. In this clip Jason explores why a comprehensive secrets management program is absolutely vital for a organizations. He walks us through his 4 step secrtes management plan he has rolled out to Detect, Prevent, Respond and Educate. Today Jason puts together his cyber leadership skills with his penetration testing background as the CISO of BuddoBot, a world class red team as a service organization that is designed to emulate and prepare your organization for real world attacks.

Cyber security isn't IT: 5 key dangers

Many businesses still think of cyber security as an IT function - it’s one of the most enduring myths we face in the industry. This is bad news. Cyber security is not just an IT problem: it is a business problem. Cyber security is risk, and risk is a business issue. Cyber is so much more than a collection of IT controls, yet it’s an uphill battle to get it seen as anything else.

Lessons from Lapsus - CISO on Building a comprehensive secrets management program

Following a breach by the Lapsus$ cyber gang, Jason Haddix, then CISO of UbiSoft called over 40 other CISOs to discuss strategies on how to be more resilient to attacks. Those conversations led him to create a 4 step guide to building a comprehensive secrets management program.

CISO Matters: Rise of the Machines - A CISO's Perspective on Generative AI

Humans have been interacting with a version of AI through voice assistants, facial recognition software and phone photo apps for years. AI’s progress in the last few months, however, has been nothing less than mind-blowing. With its new enhanced capabilities, a meteoric rise in AI’s popularity ensued, and the recent new generative AI services are quickly becoming essential tools for users of all kinds.

What is a vCISO

The business risk of a cyber attack is never going away, as cyber criminals continue to develop more innovative ways to access your data. At the same time, organisations have increasing compliance burdens placed on them, such as ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials, and ad hoc information security requirements. This means businesses are under more pressure than ever to set a strong security strategy and, crucially, stick to it.

CISO Backgrounds and Considerations for 2023

The CISO role has evolved in recent years. CISO’s don’t come just from technical and security backgrounds anymore. Each organization has their own distinct vision for how to solve their security needs whether they are customer, regulatory, or industry driven. I started out my career as an external auditor, with the goal of becoming a CFO.