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Authenticated | Arctic Wolf

In the first episode of Authenticated, Arctic Wolf Chief People Officer Dan Schiappa and Arctic Wolf Research and Development VP Daniel Thanos, detail the unique opportunity that Arctic Wolf Labs has to help reduce alert fatigue for security practitioners, serve the public good, and lead the industry in innovation by combining leading-edge AI with human intelligence.

GDPR & HIPAA Compliance- Mapping the Similarities and Differences

Is your organization looking to achieve both HIPAA and GDPR Compliance? Well, believing that achieving compliance with one will automatically ensure compliance with the other regulation isn’t really true. So, based on this notion, if you are looking to achieve compliance with both HIPAA and GDPR, then here is an interesting webinar video that you should watch to get clarity on this aspect.

Should You Worry About Ransomware Attacks?

Over $800,000 - that’s the cost of the average ransomware payout last year. 66% of mid-sized organizations and about 37% of global organizations got hit. (Sources cited below) Attackers have developed new techniques that a lot of companies aren’t aware of or prepared for. For example, the demand for ransomware as a service has hugely increased, resulting in many more organizations being hacked every day.

Building Modern Access-Control for Cloud Applications with Or Weis | SnykLIVE Recording

With the growing complexity of modern applications and microservices based architectures getting access-control right has become a huge ongoing pain-point, as companies find themselves reimplementing access-control over and over. Solutions are found in the new tool sets of policy as code, as well as the 5 best practices and open-source tools (e.g. OPA, OPAL, Zanzibar) we can use to face the challenge.

The 443 Podcast Episode 207 - The Twitter Thing

This week on the podcast, we cover the big whistleblower complaint against Twitter including our hot takes on who to believe. We then cover an FBI alert on evasion techniques cyber criminals are deploying in their authentication attacks before finishing with a highlight of a very convincing phish. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

How to Benchmark Your Threat Hunting Readiness and Prepare for the Next Step

Many organizations want to start threat hunting but struggle with knowing where to begin, how to measure success, and how to scale an effective program. This presentation draws on the experience of elite hunters and teams around the world and will discuss an actionable threat hunting maturity model and help you prepare for each step of the journey with specific guidance, concrete examples, and sample threat hunts.

Network Forensics & Incident Response with Open Source Tools

Open source security technologies such as Zeek, Suricata, and Elastic can deliver powerful network detection and response capabilities, and the global communities behind these tools can also serve as a force multiplier for security teams, such as accelerating their response times to zero-day exploits via community-driven detection engineering and intel sharing. This presentation will review popular open source technologies used in network DFIR and cover use cases, integrations, and open source design patterns.