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Encrypted Traffic Collection

Working with encrypted traffic is a common task in the SOC and one that many people think network monitoring solutions can't do anything about. The reality, however, is a bit less cut and dry than you might think. Corelight with Zeek can parse details about the certificate handshake and the SSL connection itself. See the cipher and elliptic curve in use, which are great for detecting vulnerabilities like CurveBall. Learn more about Corelight's Encrypted Traffic collection in this brief two minute video.

Kubernetes Quick Hits: Use SecurityContext to drop unnecessary Linux Capabilities

In this episode of our Kubernetes Quick Hits video series, Eric Smalling–Sr. Developer Advocate at Synk– talks about Linux Capabilities and why you probably can run with none of them enabled. Linux Capabilities is item number six from our recently published cheatsheet, 10 Kubernetes Security Context settings you should understand, check it out and start securing your Kubernetes application deployments today!

OT security and implications to wider IT Environments

Poor Operational Technology (OT) security can lead to serious IT data breaches. Learn from experts at Splunk, Corelight, and ClearShark about the risks unsecured OT systems pose to IT networks, and how visibility into network traffic can enable accurate alerting to malicious behavior. You’ll learn key differences between OT and IT networks, about Corelight’s ability to understand and enhance OT protocols, and the value of Zeek wire data for both IT and OT security.

Accelerate SecOps with a Single Source of Network Truth

Network evidence is vital for defense, but collecting it can be overly complicated and result in incomplete data that is difficult to use. By transforming VPC and on-premises traffic into Zeek logs and Suricata alerts, you can accelerate threat hunting and incident response workflows in security analytics tools like Chronicle and VirusTotal.