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Data Classification: What It Is and How to Implement It

Data classification is a vital component of any information security and compliance program, especially if your organization stores large volumes of data. It provides a solid foundation for your data security strategy by helping you understand where you store sensitive and regulated data, both on premises and in the cloud. Moreover, data classification improves user productivity and decision-making, and reduces storage and maintenance costs by enabling you to eliminate unneeded data.

The New Model for Network Security: Zero Trust

The old security model, which followed the “trust but verify” method, is broken. That model granted excessive implicit trust that attackers abused, putting the organization at risk from malicious internal actors and allowing unauthorized outsiders wide-reaching access once inside. The new model, Zero Trust networking, presents an approach where the default posture is to deny access.

The Content Governance Mindset for IT Leaders

We’ve all been subjected to quaint media features that try to make business leaders seem like a joyful walk on the beach. They usually have a title like, “A Day in the Life of the CIO,” and they are laden with tropes that try to make the person relatable (“…and at 9:34 am, I finally get around to drinking that latte I got at Starbucks on the way into work!”), but truly the whole thing is just an annoying ploy to make you feel inadequate.

Red Team testing explained: what is Red Teaming?

In the world of cybersecurity preparedness, there are a variety of strategies organizations large and small can take to help protect their networks and data from cyber-attacks. One such strategy involves an organization testing its own environment for security vulnerabilities. But because security weaknesses come in different forms, it’s necessary to have a focused security team that comprehensively searches for vulnerabilities that go beyond simple risk assessments.

How Covid-19 has increased vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems

By now, most are aware that the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a spike in cyberattacks. This sharp increase in malicious activity related to COVID has taken the typical form of adversaries seeking to benefit financially, gain unauthorized access to networks for immediate and long-term strategic benefit, and spread misinformation with political agendas.

Dashboards: An Effective Cybersecurity Tool

Data is only as good as what you are able to do with it. Not only does the cybersecurity universe collect data, but individual enterprises also collect cybersecurity data from within their organization as well as from external sources in order to add to more context and relevance. All data needs to be analyzed in order to create actionable insights.

How to Customize a Report on Logsign SIEM?

In the last article, we discussed various types of reports a SIEM solution offers. We also threw light on how reports are arranged block-wise on Logsign SIEM along with other features. In this article, we explore how you can customize an existing report to suit your requirements. To start with, go to the Reports and Analysis section and select any report that you wish to customize.

Part Three: How Are Bots Affecting Your Industry?

We recently carried out a survey of 200 UK enterprises across e-Commerce, financial services, entertainment and travel. In part two of our blog series, we discussed the current state of bot attacks. As we continue our blog series, we investigate how bots are affecting different industries. We surveyed enterprises in the industries we saw as the most at risk.

Cloud-based SIEM explained

Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions offer businesses the ability to collect, store, and analyze security information from across their organization and alert IT admins/security teams to potential attacks. In today’s complex digital environments, SIEMs allow IT teams to more effectively detect and respond to a wide range of threats across broad networks.

PCI DSS logging requirements explained

As a consumer, I feel more confident about using my credit card online and in brick-and-mortar stores when I know retailers are being careful about PCI DSS compliance. Breached financial credentials can wreak havoc not only on the lives of consumers, but also on the well-being of merchant businesses. I think the PCI DSS is an excellent example of how security standards can be improved when organizations cooperate and collaborate.