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Security Control Types for Attack Surface Reduction

Cybersecurity is an ever-present concern for businesses, particularly as the modern attack surface continuously expands and changes due to the shift to remote work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud adoption, and the growth of shadow IT, among other factors. Implementing the appropriate security control types for attack surface reduction is crucial for bolstering your company’s cybersecurity posture in the modern threat landscape.

Top Cheap Code Signing Certificate Providers 2023

With cyber-security becoming a prime concern of individual users and organizations, everyone prefers using legitimate software. If the system shows a warning about any application, users instantly act uninstalling it and finding an alternative. And it can happen with your software too, that system displays a warning at download or installation only. But, you can prevent it by utilizing a Code Signing Certificate, which gets issued by a Certificate Authority.

OWASP Top 10: Cryptographic failures

Listed as #2 on the OWASP Top 10 list, cryptographic failures expose sensitive data due to a lack of or weak encryption. Many of the web and mobile applications you use daily require you to input sensitive information. Cryptography offers tools that can be used to safeguard sensitive data and securely transfer it across the internet. Cryptography is powerful but it must be used properly to be effective.

Royal Ransomware Deep Dive

The threat actor group behind Royal ransomware first appeared in January 2022, pulling together actors previously associated with Roy/Zeon, Conti and TrickBot malware. Originally known as “Zeon” before renaming themselves “Royal” in September 2022, they are not considered a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation because their coding/infrastructure are private and not made available to outside actors.

DLL Side-Loading: How to Combat Threat Actor Evasion Techniques

Threat actors constantly evolve their tactics and techniques to circumvent security solutions. Working at the cutting-edge of detection engineering, CrowdStrike rapidly tracks and observes these evolutions in tactics to deliver timely, effective detections that protect customers. In this blog, we explore DLL side-loading and learn how CrowdStrike has expanded protections with Advanced Memory Scanning.

What Is an SBOM and Why Is It Important?

The way companies build software solutions has dramatically changed in the past few years. Now more companies use microservices architecture, as it provides more efficiency, resiliency, and agility, to develop and release apps quickly and more frequently. This approach has enabled developers to utilize more third-party containers and resources to develop efficiently working applications. It also means that less code of a software tool is managed and owned by an organization directly.

Who's Knocking on the Door? An Overview of Authentication and MFA - And How It Can Uplevel Your Organization's Cyber

Authentication, at its core, is the act of verifying credentials. In the case of human beings, it’s as simple as answering the question, “Who are you, and how do I know for sure it’s you?” Authentication is something we’re constantly engaging with in everyday life.

5 Key Compliance Regulations Every Business Should Be Aware Of

Data privacy laws and compliance regulations are critical safeguards for protecting consumer and employee data from unnecessary exposure. By complying with these legal requirements, businesses can reduce the risk of legal action and financial penalties, ensure data privacy, increase customer loyalty, as well as avoid reputational damage. Most importantly, they’re able to protect their customers and employees from the misfortunes arising from identity theft.