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Rubrik Brings Security at the Point of Data to Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

Operating in a cloud model means not only being able to access your data anywhere but that your infrastructure is flexible and scalable enough to accommodate demands that change from day to day or sometimes from moment to moment. This is easy enough to achieve in a public cloud, where resources can be made elastic and added and removed dynamically.

Cryptography 101: Key Principles, Major Types, Use Cases & Algorithms

Cryptography is fundamental to many information security and privacy mechanisms. Today, a variety of cryptographic algorithms are used in many different applications. This article explains cryptography: how it works, key principles or operations of cryptography, types of cryptography, use cases and more! (This article was written by Shanika Wickramasinghe.

Social Engineering Attacks: The 4 Stage Lifecycle & Common Techniques

When it comes to high profile cybercrime incidents, it’s the major tech vulnerabilities and sophisticated state-sponsored threat vectors that make the headlines. In reality, however, most of the cybercrime incidents exploit the human element as the weakest link in the cyberattack kill chain.

Deconstructing Identity Security

Most companies now recognize the serious and insidious nature of cybersecurity threats. But many fail to grasp that the digital transformation, remote work, automation and cloud migration activities of the last few years have turbocharged the number of identities seeking access to data and critical business systems. This surge in identities has exponentially increased the likelihood of cyberattacks, undercutting the effectiveness of traditional identity and access management (IAM) paradigms.

Eliminate compromised passwords with One Identity Password Manager & Have I Been Pwned

It's a good question, and if you're curious about whether any of your email addresses or passwords were included in a data breach, you can easily find out at This entirely free service, managed by Microsoft Regional Director & MVP Troy Hunt, lets you enter an email address or password to see how many breaches it has been included in.

Protecting Financial Data: Best Practices for External Attack Surface Management

The threat landscape in the financial services sector continues to get more menacing. Malicious actors and cybercrime groups increasingly set their sights on the sensitive financial data that banks, moneylenders, insurance companies, credit unions, and more all store in their IT environments. Exemplifying the challenge, one recent study found that the financial sector experienced the second-highest volume of data breaches in 2022.

Five worthy reads: Why should we worry about cyberwarfare in 2023?

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll explain why cyberwarfare could be a potential cyberthreat in 2023. Cyberwarfare was one of the top trending terms in 2022, and the incidents that happened last year have opened up more discussions regarding this topic. Most people think cyberwarfare is synonymous with the term cyberwar.

Understanding Direct Cloud Connectivity: Jargon and Benefits

Direct cloud connectivity refers to a natural, dedicated connection between a user's on-premises infrastructure and a cloud service provider's network. It bypasses the public internet and provides a secure and private connection with lower latency and higher bandwidth than traditional internet-based connections. Direct cloud connectivity enables organizations to move large amounts of data, applications, and workloads to the cloud with improved performance, security, and reliability.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in UAE - iOS & Android

Launching a mobile application in the UAE? Prepare to navigate through an intricate web of laws and regulations. The Emirates' governmental framework is renowned for its unwavering adherence to data privacy, making it essential that businesses ensure compliance when dealing with customer information online.