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Understanding the Incident Response Life Cycle

With the growing digitalization of businesses, the threat of cyber-attacks has become a reality for organizations of all sizes. It's vital for companies to be aware and proactive in understanding how to detect, respond to, and recover from cyber-attacks as technology becomes increasingly integrated into daily business operations.

9 Ways smart devices can compromise your privacy

A smart device is any device connected to the internet and can be controlled by a computer or smartphone. This includes devices such as home appliances, security cameras, thermostats, doorbells, lighting systems, and other connected gadgets. Smart devices are becoming increasingly popular due to the convenience they offer. However, with this convenience comes a greater risk to your privacy.

Unit Testing vs Fuzz Testing - Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Most developers, including myself, have written unit tests before. Fuzz testing on the other hand has only started seeing widespread industry usage in recent years. Yet, some voices are already praising fuzz testing as the more effective approach, due to its ability to automatically generate negative and invalid test inputs. Let's put this claim to the test and see how these two approaches match up.

Why Healthcare Data is a Primary Target for Cybersecurity Threats?

Over the past several decades, cybercrime has evolved to be more comprehensive, threatening, and damaging. There is an emerging trend of cybercriminals attacking all sorts of individuals and organizations in the industry. The healthcare industry has been a soft target for many years and healthcare data is a prime target for cybercriminals intent on stealing data.

How Adversaries Can Persist with AWS User Federation

In recent incident response investigations, CrowdStrike Services has observed adversaries use the sts:GetFederationToken API call to create federated sessions from IAM users. In this scenario, the federated session inherits permissions from the base IAM user. Perhaps surprising to many incident responders, the privileges and access of the federated session are not revoked when the base IAM user’s credentials are deactivated.

Small Business Cyberattack Analysis: Most-Targeted SMB Sectors and Key Prevention Tips

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are more frequent targets of cybercrime than larger companies, industry research shows, and the trend is putting enormous financial pressure on small businesses. Some SMBs feel this pressure more strongly than others: CrowdStrike’s data shows sectors including not-for-profit and transportation are more frequently targeted with high- and critical-severity attacks than other industries.

How Proactive Investments in Security Operations Improve Breach Readiness and Response Capabilities

Security teams need to continually bolster their cybersecurity controls and expertise to keep up with the evolving threat landscape. Successful readiness and response to a cybersecurity breach requires the right mix of people, processes and technology. Yet challenges with staffing, technical issues, and budget hamper threat detection and response for too many organizations, creating gaps that threat actors are eager to exploit.

Using Python libraries for secure network communication

Python is a popular and powerful programming language that is often used for building web applications, data analysis, and automation. One of the key challenges in such projects is ensuring the security of network communication, which can be vulnerable to various threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping. Fortunately, Python offers a range of libraries for encrypting and securing network communication.

Tips to Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint could make or break critical aspects of your life from getting into college to landing a new job. It’s important to clean up your digital footprint so that it doesn’t negatively impact you. You can clean up your digital footprint by deleting any accounts you don’t use anymore, not sharing personal information on social media and by using a password manager. Read on to learn more about digital footprints and what you can do to keep yours clean.