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Cyberthreat Trends in 2022H1: Threat Actors Observed, New Malware and Active Hacking Groups

In our companion blog post, Vedere Labs analyzed the main ransomware trends we observed in the first half of 2022, including state-sponsored ransomware, new mainstream targets and evolving extortion techniques. Ransomware is the main threat targeting most organizations nowadays. However, three other notable cyberthreat trends also evolved during this period: Below we analyze each of these trends in more detail.

6 Ways Hackers Can Bypass MFA + Prevention Strategies

Organizations must implement effective account protection measures or put themselves at heightened risk of data breaches and other serious cyber attacks, such as ransomware injections. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial component of any organization’s cybersecurity program. MFA adds an additional layer of security, helping prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Recent Phishing Attack Highlights How Hacks Are Changing

Hackers are getting smarter, and phishing is becoming more sophisticated. Most employees know that when an email comes in from a random address, rife with misspellings, and credentials or other private data demands, it’s absolutely a phishing scam. But what if, as an employee, you got a text to update your Okta credentials? What if the link took you to a domain that looked just like your Okta login?

How Hacking Has Evolved Over Time

The only constant you can count on in technology is change. From microprocessors to PCs to smartphones to software, technology continues to become faster, smarter, and more sophisticated. But make no mistake: what’s changed the most in the world of technology over the past few decades is the hacker. Hackers are highly motivated to stay ahead of the latest security trends. It’s how they keep from getting caught, and how they keep the fun and profit rolling.

Bugcrowd Taps Top Hackers for Live Hacking Event with Indeed at 2022 Black Hat Conference

Bugcrowd, the leader in crowdsourced cybersecurity, announced a live hacking event to test business-critical attack surface and mobile applications for, during the 2022 Black Hat USA and DEF CON cybersecurity conferences in Las Vegas.

Controlling your server with a reverse shell attack

Creating and running an application in your favorite language is usually pretty simple. After you create your application, deploying it and showing it to the world is also quite straightforward. The last thing you need is someone to take over your system and fully control your brand new application. In this article, I’ll explain how this can happen with a reverse shell attack. Note that the code examples in this article are for educational purposes only.

How can we turn a hacker's toolkit against them?

Hackers use many tools at each stage of an attack. These tools are often readily available online, both free of charge and to buy, and easy to use for non-technical cybercriminals. Understanding a hacker’s tools and tactics is essential for cyber security practitioners and vendors aiming to build effective defenses and stay one step ahead of a quickly evolving host of cyber threats.