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Innovation lessons we can learn from hackers

In 2022, Cyber Security is no longer about protecting secrets. It is about our way of life that relies on digital technology everywhere: from clouds to smartphones, from medical facilities to stock markets, and everything in between. In the past 2 years, threat actors have innovated faster than ever before, even using “growth hacking” tricks to increase the impact of their criminal enterprises. At the same time, our own connected lifestyle and digital footprint keep changing at breakneck speeds. How can we prepare for what comes next? By learning from hackers! @Keren Elazari — security researcher, TED speaker, and friendly hacker — joins us for a conversation on emerging security threats, new attack vectors and techniques, and innovation lessons we can learn from hackers.

What To Do If You Think Your Company Has Been Hacked

Nearly every day, it seems like you’re reading about another data breach in the news. Between ransomware attacks and nation-state actors, you can’t rely on the old “trust but verify” adage anymore. Cyber resilience isn’t about preventing all threats, it’s about creating a security program that allows you to identify, investigate, contain, and mitigate threats quickly and effectively.

Scary kids scaring kids: An update on the arrest of Lapsus$ group members

One would be hard pressed to find anyone working today in the cybersecurity world that has not yet heard of Lapsus$, an emerging cyber-crime group with big claims of breaching the likes of high-profile companies Microsoft, Samsung, NVIDIA, and Okta amongst others.

Research reveals the extent of hackers using default credentials to target businesses

Stevenage, 15th March 2022 – Today new findings from the Bulletproof Annual Cyber Security Industry Threat report highlight the issue posed by poor security hygiene as automated attacks remain a high security threat to businesses. The research gathered throughout 2021, showed that 70% of total web activity is currently bot traffic.

Meet the Hacker: Goonjeta Malhotra a.k.a BattleAngel - "Hacking has always felt like a superpower"

Hacking has always felt like a superpower to me. It is a skill that I have worked on and learned with time. I was introduced to this field by my brother, he is my role model and I have always followed in his footsteps. Once I stepped into this field, there was no turning back. I knew this is what I want to excel at and be known for.

Website Security Tips To Secure Your Website From Hackers

Seeking out website security tips is a solid move on your part. A surprising number of websites are compromised daily. And it even happens to those who don’t think they have anything to lose, let alone protect from hackers. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 2000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

The Foreign Office Hack

The UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development office (FCDO) was the target of a “serious cyber security incident”, it has emerged. The BBC understands unidentified hackers got inside the FCDO systems but were detected. This is just the latest in a spate of attacks on government departments in what seems to be an attempt to gain access to sensitive information.

The Best Way to Prevent Getting Hacked

Here are simple cyber hygiene practices to get ahead of 95% of companies: Hackers today have tools that can find 1000s of easy targets that have bad cyber hygiene with a single click. Here’s an analogy: Imagine you’re a burglar walking in a neighborhood, thinking which house to break-in. While all the houses look perfect, there is one that looks abandoned with broken doors, an unkempt lawn, and graffiti on the wall.