Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Mastering CMMC Compliance with UTMStack: A Comprehensive and Technical Approach

Achieving and maintaining Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) compliance is a critical requirement for organizations operating within the defense industrial base. As a comprehensive SIEM solution, UTMStack offers advanced features and capabilities that not only streamline the compliance process but also inspire confidence in security and protection.

Introducing Fireblocks Compliance Solutions Suite + Notabene Travel Rule Integration

Today, Fireblocks is launching our new Fireblocks Compliance Solutions Suite to streamline and simplify how our customers meet digital asset regulatory requirements, and stay ahead of industry threats. The new suite enables Fireblocks customers to easily integrate transaction monitoring, wallet screening, and Travel Rule compliance into their existing transaction and compliance workflows and approvals.

Future of Data Privacy Examining the Impact of GDPR and CPRA on Business Practices

Welcome to our exciting and informative discussion on the future of data privacy and the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) on business practices! In this webinar, we cover a range of fascinating topics including an overview of GDPR and CPRA regulations, key differences and similarities between the two, and strategies for ensuring compliance.

Shine a Light on Shadow IT: Vanta Launches Category-First Vendor Risk Management Solution

Delivering a single platform to assess vendor risk, automate security reviews and remediate issues. Supercharged Access Reviews ensure the right users have access to the right systems. AI-powered Questionnaire Automation increases accuracy and reduces time-intensive tasks.

A new way to proactively manage third-party risk: Vendor Risk Management

Businesses are using more SaaS applications than ever, with an average of 110 apps per organization. This proliferation of third-party applications means increasingly more customer and employee data is handled by external vendors. ‍ Ensuring your third-party vendors are secure by tracking risk, conducting reviews, and responding to issues is a security best practice and compliance requirement. Unfortunately, this process is often a manual — and expensive — one.

From reactive to proactive: Leveraging vCISO solutions to elevate managed security services

The cybersecurity landscape is becoming increasingly complex and challenging for businesses of all sizes. As an MSP, you're well aware of the growing demand for comprehensive security and compliance solutions. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can help your clients navigate this complex landscape while unlocking new revenue streams for your business.