Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

How cyber risks change as financial institutions grow

One of the catchphrases of modern parenting is “little kids, little problems; big kids, big problems” – meaning that as kids grow, the scope of the challenges they face also typically intensifies. You could make a similar statement about cyber risk for financial institutions: Small companies tend to face smallish cybersecurity risks, while larger financial services businesses face bigger threats.

Dave Williams - Business Success Seeds: The Power of Persistence

In this video, Dave Williams shares invaluable insights on the importance of persistence in attending key events and cultivating relationships for business growth and success. Discover how consistent efforts and strategic networking can propel your business to new heights. Dave emphasizes that success is not just about having great ideas but also about the relentless pursuit of opportunities and the nurturing of meaningful connections.

Privacy Act 1988 Australia

The response in September 2023 by the Australian government outlined reforms to the existing Privacy Act 1988 from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). These reforms aim to bring Australian privacy laws up to date with the digital age and give citizens more control over their personal information which may affect your businesses starting in 2024.

How PE Firm CFOs Can More Economically Manage Cyber Risks

‍ ‍ ‍Private equity (PE) firms are becoming increasingly attractive targets for cybercriminals. Malicious actors are keen to capitalize on the ecosystem's access to an incredibly extensive and diverse array of sensitive data, particularly susceptible during and after M&As, as well as the notoriously low cybersecurity measures in place among the smaller businesses that some PE firms chose to hold.

Fireblocks x Coinbase International Exchange

Fireblocks has expanded its exchange connectivity with new support for Coinbase International Exchange to provide perpetual futures and spot trading features for institutional and retail clients in eligible jurisdictions. Fireblocks customers can now connect to their Coinbase International Exchange account via the Fireblocks Network, and protect exchange operations – such as withdrawals and deposits – with Fireblocks’ governance and policy rules.

Measuring the success of your SOAR: 5 criteria for enterprise security teams

As more and more organizations use automation and orchestration to streamline their security operations, defining clear success criteria becomes critical to ensure the effectiveness and scalability of their program. Recently, an enterprise prospect approached us seeking help on establishing success criteria for their upcoming journey with Tines workflow automation.

Tracking Trends: Qualitative Time Analysis

Whereas quantitative analysis gives meaningful insights into numerical data, Qualitative time analysis offers a powerful way to uncover the hidden narratives and human experiences behind numerical data. By delving into words, stories, perspectives, and other rich sources of information, this technique unlocks nuances that influence decision-making processes and fosters meaningful change.

Seccomp for Kubernetes workloads

Seccomp, short for Secure Computing Mode, is a security feature in the Linux kernel that plays a role in enhancing the security of systems. Initially introduced in Linux kernel 2.6.12 in 2005, seccomp was designed to restrict the system calls a process can make, effectively reducing the attack surface and limiting potential damage from compromised processes.

A CxO's Guide: Tough Questions to Ask When Moving to SASE

A paradigm shift away from traditional network and security architectures towards a more flexible and highly scalable cloud-native SASE Cloud architecture can be stomach-churning for many CxOs today. However, taking a holistic view of the drivers of this shift will help put things into perspective. Realizing desired outcomes like the reallocation of resources to more strategic initiatives, agility, speed, and scalability can bring about child-like anticipation of how this new world of SASE will feel.

Ensuring Data Security with Acumatica ERP: A Comprehensive Guide for Midmarket Businesses

Acumatica's cloud ERP offers robust security features, protecting business data from modern cyber threats. With access controls, data encryption, and continuous monitoring, it ensures end-to-end security. For expert assistance in Acumatica ERP security, visit