Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Misconfigurations, known unpatched vulnerabilities, and Cloud Native Application Security

Two weeks back, we published our annual State of Cloud Native Application Security report. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a TL;DR. We surveyed nearly 600 developers and security professionals to see how the shift to cloud native (digital transformation) has changed their security posture. Then we parsed the results, gleaned valuable insights, and put them in an interactive webpage.

Outpost24 Webinar - Is zero trust redefining network security assessment

As zero trust moves higher up on the CISOs security agenda we’re hosting a webinar to discuss the pros and cons of adopting this new approach and how it can impact your team’s ability to remain agile, whilst protecting your business. As a recent study demonstrates, 34% of security breaches involved insiders in 2019 meaning CISOs are becoming more likely to consider zero trust and it should come as no surprise that many organizations are now eager to adopt a zero-trust security policy.

Outpost24 webinar - Full Stack Vulnerability Management with 360 Trust Services

Join Outpost24 and 360 Trust Services experts to learn how you can tackle the growing cybersecurity threats, and secure your high availability operations and satisfied customers. Save your spot for a comprehensive webinar, as we will be presenting the latest security products and services offerings, based on 20 years’ experience and accumulated expertise in cybersecurity, from vulnerability management, risk prioritization to driving a remediation culture.

OWASP Top 10: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Security Vulnerability Practical Overview

If you know about a vulnerability, you can be certain that adversaries also know about it – and are working to exploit it. It sounds like a no-brainer; but using components with known vulnerabilities still makes #9 in the current OWASP list of the ten most critical web application security risks.

OWASP Top 10 in 2021: Vulnerable and Outdated Components Practical Overview

If you know about a vulnerability, you can be certain that adversaries also know about it – and are working to exploit it. It sounds like a no-brainer; but using components with known vulnerabilities still makes #6 in the current OWASP list of the ten most critical web application security risks.

The top 10 network security vulnerabilities for businesses in 2021

As per UK DCMS’s data breaches survey, about 32% of businesses in the UK have faced a form of cybersecurity threat between 2018 and 2019. As a result of these network security vulnerabilities, these businesses incurred costs on lost data and many other damages that totalled £4,180.

SuiteCRM: PHAR deserialization vulnerability to code execution

SuiteCRM is a free and open source Customer Relationship Management application for servers. This advisory details a PHAR deserialization vulnerability that exists in SuiteCRM which could be leveraged by an authenticated administrator to execute commands on the underlying operating system. This issue has been fixed in release 7.11.19. In PHP, PHAR (PHP Archive) files can be used to package PHP applications and PHP libraries into one archive file.

Introducing our new Security Scan Platform

Today we’ve arrived at another significant achievement at Astra Security. After months of preparation, development, and design, we’ve officially launched our new Security Scan platform. From addition of more security tests to new dashboard design, the new platform will make pentesting a breeze for you. Our new and simple to utilize UI guarantees that your dev and security groups can rapidly and safely associate with pentest discoveries and resolve them easily.

Exploiting and detecting CVE-2021-25735: Kubernetes validating admission webhook bypass

The CVE-2021-25735 medium-level vulnerability has been found in Kubernetes kube-apiserver that could bypass a Validating Admission Webhook and allow unauthorised node updates. The kube-apiserver affected are: You are only affected by this vulnerability if both of the following conditions are valid: By exploiting the vulnerability, adversaries could bypass the Validating Admission Webhook checks and allow update actions on Kubernetes nodes.

Are You Targeting These Risky Red Zone Vulnerabilities?

Modern software development is full of security risk. Factors like lingering security debt, insecure open source libraries, and irregular scanning cadences can all impact how many flaws dawdle in your code, leading to higher rates of dangerous bugs in susceptible and popular languages.