Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Threat Detection

Accelerate SecOps with a Single Source of Network Truth

Network evidence is vital for defense, but collecting it can be overly complicated and result in incomplete data that is difficult to use. By transforming VPC and on-premises traffic into Zeek logs and Suricata alerts, you can accelerate threat hunting and incident response workflows in security analytics tools like Chronicle and VirusTotal.

Collecting and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet

Detecting and preventing malicious activity such as botnet attacks is a critical area of focus for threat intel analysts, security operators, and threat hunters. Taking up the Mozi botnet as a case study, this blog post demonstrates how to use open source tools, analytical processes, and the Elastic Stack to perform analysis and enrichment of collected data irrespective of the campaign.

Falcon X Recon

Does the dark web hold security secrets about your organization? Falcon X Recon collects and monitors activity from millions of restricted web pages, criminal forums and encrypted messaging platforms — the hidden recesses of the internet where criminal actors congregate and underground digital economies thrive. By empowering security teams to conduct investigations in real time, they can proactively uncover fraud, data breaches, phishing campaigns and other online threats that target their organization.

Cybersecurity and government

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash In May, after many months of dedicated effort, our compliance team received word that a U.S. Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) moderate certification was granted for the AT&T Threat Detection and Response for Government solution. FedRAMP is a program coordinated by the US General Services Administration and the Department of Homeland Defense that inspects cloud-based solutions for compliance with 325 distinct security controls.

Ingesting threat data with the Threat Intel Filebeat module

The ability for security teams to integrate threat data into their operations substantially helps their organization identify potentially malicious endpoint and network events using indicators identified by other threat research teams. In this blog, we’ll cover how to ingest threat data with the Threat Intel Filebeat module. In future blog posts, we'll cover enriching threat data with the Threat ECS fieldset and operationalizing threat data with Elastic Security.