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Secrets Management

Monitor expiration events from Azure Key Vault

For customers using Azure Key Vault—which helps them safeguard sensitive keys and secrets used by applications and services hosted on Azure—it can be challenging to determine when the resources in their Key Vault(s) are about to expire. Invalid keys and secrets can disrupt your day-to-day workflows by causing application downtime, holding up incident investigations, invalidating compliance, slowing down the development of new features, and more.

Secrets Management Best Practices: Secure Cloud-native Development Series

Build secure cloud-native applications by avoiding the top five security pitfalls we lay out in our Secure Cloud-native Development Series. This blog is the fifth and final part of the series, and it will teach you to handle credentials and secrets management best practices for securing cloud-native applications. Every organization has their way of managing credentials. In the past, with legacy application architectures, this was a bit more manual and arduous.

Three Recent Examples of Why You Need to Know How Vulnerable Your Secrets Are

In today's digital landscape, the issue of compromised credentials has become a major concern. Discover how renowned companies like Microsoft, VMware, and Sourcegraph were recently confronted with the threats of secrets sprawling.

Add Your Own Custom Secrets Detectors To GitGuardian

Did you know you can add custom detectors to make GitGuardian Secrets Detection even more powerful? GitGuardian already looks for over 390 different types of specific secrets - from Adobe and AWS keys to Zoom and Zendesk Tokens. That's on top of looking for over a dozen generic patterns like Bearer tokens and JSON web tokens. Now, anyone on a Business plan or higher can request to extend GitGuardian's secrets detection engine to support detectors specific to their organization.

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

Secrets management is an art, and mastering it requires a deep understanding of security protocols, meticulous attention to detail, and a proactive approach to staying ahead of threats. In this blog, we present you with eight essential concepts to enhance your credential management strategy.