Happy New Year from Key Manager Plus! Though years may pass, one thing that never changes is our commitment towards providing hassle-free certificate life cycle management for every enterprise. To stay true to this goal, over the years, our team has constantly improved its offerings to match user requisites and market needs, and 2023 was no different, with updates that redefined the administrative experience and enhanced product security.
Using environment variables to store secrets instead of writing them directly into your code is one of the quickest and easiest ways to add a layer of protection to your projects.
Welcome to 2024 and a new monthly feature here at GitGuardian, a comic strip called "Guardian Goofs." If you like it, please show it some love by hitting one of those "share" links below it. And check back on the first Thursday of each month for the newest "Goof." Share this article on Twitter, HackerNews, LinkedIn, or Reddit.
Learn how GitGuardian helps teams effectively prioritize and coordinate remediation by gathering the right data and making progress tracking and communication easy.