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Access Management

Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity for Dummies

One of the best ways to defend against both internal and external attacks is to integrate anomaly detection, a.k.a. user and entity behavior analytics capabilities, into your security analytics solution. In this e-book, we break down the different types of security anomalies and explain what each one looks like. We also explain how to determine the risk score of every user and host in the network. Finally, we cover five ways in which you can harden your defenses with anomaly detection.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 3: How Easy Is Multi-Tenancy?

In this demo learn why it’s important for your SSE vendor to run on a modern cloud backbone (AWS Global Accelerator, GCP and Oracle Cloud etc.), with modern containers on top of them. You’ll be able to easily set up new tenants during an M&A or divestiture, easily set up tenants for third-party users, and allow DevOps teams to manage their own environment, in isolation. For end users, you’ll be able deliver a better user experience and improve performance while doing so.

Buying IAM and Identity Security from the Same Vendor? Think Again.

With the growing risk of identity-driven breaches, as seen in recent ransomware and supply chain attacks, businesses are starting to appreciate the need for identity security. As they assess how best to strengthen identity protection, there is often an urge to settle for security features or modules included in enterprise bundles from the same vendor providing their identity or identity and access management (IAM) layer.

How to manage privileged users in IT

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Privileged users are the key to the information system. The operation of information systems and the availability of enterprise resources depend on privileged users’ actions. If admins make a mistake or their credentials are leaked to attackers or competitors, it could put your business at serious risk.

How to Prepare for The Evolving Threat of Ransomware

Last week, when Russia advanced past Ukrainian borders we began to hear about the coordinated, hybrid attacks – spanning both cyber warfare and physical warfare – that lead up to the event. Phishing emails sent to the State Administration of Seaports of Ukraine sent earlier in February as a sort of advanced attack against Ukrainian ports. A new data wiper malware installed on hundreds of machines across Ukraine – reported within hours of Russia invading.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 2: Does the ZTNA service offer DLP for private apps?

When it comes to private apps, data protection is critical. In this video see how SSE can be used to prevent employees and third-parties from downloading data, without the need for separate remote browser isolation technologies. Get ready to ask your vendor about their ability to protect private data from getting into the wrong hands.

Step into the new year with organized and secure IAM

According to Business Insider, 80% of people give up on their new year resolutions within the first 30 days. Don’t let your business and IT security goals fall into this trend, too! We’re now in February, but there’s still plenty of time to salvage your new-year goals, both your IT security and personal ones. The secret to falling into that successful 20% is to chart your resolution with clear plans on how to achieve it.

ManageEngine is recognized as a December 2021 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Privileged Access Management

ManageEngine’s privileged access management (PAM) suite of products have helped over one million IT administrators and users around the globe efficiently manage their privileged credentials and access. On that note, we’re excited to announce that we’ve been recognized as a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Privileged Access Management!