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Microsoft 365

DFARS Compliance in Microsoft 365

Cybersecurity has become an important topic for the defense supply chain. The ever-increasing number of digital channels that data can be exchanged through, has exponentially increased the risk of data breaches and leaks. This puts a lot of pressure on these organizations to ensure that the risks associated with the handling of sensitive data are as low as possible.

How to Maximize your Microsoft Purview Information Protection Investment

Ever since the pandemic had set in, the entire cybersecurity landscape has undergone a vast change. The Covid-19 crisis has forced organizations and CISOs to adapt to sudden, unprecedented, and until now unforeseen challenges. Remote working has become the “New Normal”. The remote working culture will stay long after the pandemic has gone. The shifting of offices to home has made it easier for hackers to target personal networks rather than the well-protected office networks.

Why Hackers Are Targeting Microsoft 365

It’s no secret that hackers are attracted to large and lucrative targets in the vast digital sphere. Oftentimes, the largest targets present the most avenues for attack. And with over 300 million users worldwide, Microsoft 365 is one of those large targets. Over 80% of deployed Microsoft 365 accounts have suffered an email breach and over 70% have suffered an account takeover.

Protecting your Microsoft 365 workloads with Rubrik SaaS

There has been tremendous growth in Microsoft 365 usage with the current remote work trend, leading to an explosion of Microsoft 365 data. Microsoft infrastructure and platforms support the availability, reliability, and security of this infrastructure by providing world-class perimeter defense, controlling access to keep attackers out, and detecting risky behavior. However, customers are responsible for protecting the data itself - emails, chats, files, etc.

Co-edit Microsoft 365 Files With Egnyte for Better Collaboration

With Egnyte, you can now co-edit files in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel—either online or via your desktop. And because these files are stored in Egnyte, you get additional security and governance capabilities so you can collaborate confidently, without having to worry about exposing sensitive data. This post explains how.

Cloudy with a Chance of Unclear Mailbox Sync: CrowdStrike Services Identifies Logging Inconsistencies in Microsoft 365

As many organizations move to the cloud, CrowdStrike has noticed a significant increase in both opportunistic and targeted attacks against cloud resources, with a large number of these attacks targeting organizations’ Microsoft 365 (M365) infrastructure, often specifically around their business email service, or Exchange Online.

Secure Office 365 with PowerShell via the CIS approach - Pt 2

This is the second blog in a multi part series helping admins, service providers, consultants and security admins to check and achieve a level of security control in Office 365. Part 1 of this series covered the basic PowerShell commands for Authentication through CIS, here we will talk about ‘Audit’.

Chatbots for security and IT teams (Part 5): Microsoft Teams

This blog is a continuation of our series on working with chatbots leveraging Microsoft Teams. In Part 1 of this series, we examined how to set up a chatbot within Microsoft Teams. In Part 2, we explored how to send rich notifications using Cards and use the Microsoft Graph API and the chatbot to proactively find and contact users within Microsoft Teams.