Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Microsoft 365

Octiga Office 365 MSP DashboardOffice 365 Security

Octiga's main Office 365 security universal threat intelligence dashboard provides consistency for MSPs. It is a complete bird's eye view of all the risky events, baselines, reports, and mailboxes for each tenant. In addition, you can further dig into individual tenants to analyse various alerts and take in-app action for critical and dangerous events.

Deploy Office 365 Security Baseline in OctigaOffice 365 Security Best Practices

Office 365 security baselines help achieve a tailored desired state configuration through continuous monitoring & alerting. Octiga's intelligent baseline engine then guides you to implement Office 365 security best practices confidently. As a result, you'll be alerted of and remediate the issues for Office 365 tenants, groups or users within seconds!

Export Office 365 Security Baseline Report in Octiga for Client

Baseline reports for Office 365 tenants are essential to infer trends based on historical data to enhance client security AND provide proof of compliance. Manage client relationships by reporting them rapidly through targeted baseline security reports, tenant-wide or group-wide, generated in a single click!

Investigate Office 365 Security and Compliance Alerts in Octiga

Investigate possible Office 365 security and compliance alerts across all tenants systematically. Identify suspicious logins, external breaches, faulty inbox rules etc., and drill down into details like risk score, severity, country of the breach, connection type, & user ID, user type, to prioritise in-app remediation in clicks.

Abusing Microsoft Office Using Malicious Web Archive Files

In November of 2021, we described several techniques used by attackers to deliver malware through infected Microsoft Office files. In addition to exploits like CVE-2021-40444, these infected documents frequently abuse VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to execute their techniques, regardless of the final payload. Attackers also often use extra layers of protection to evade signature-based detections, like constructing PowerShell scripts and WMI namespaces at runtime, as done by Emotet.

Use Egnyte To Reduce Content Sprawl in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has exploded in popularity in recent years, going from 2 million users in 2017 to roughly 250 million today. That growth is due in no small part to the disruptions caused by the global pandemic, with employees working from home and still needing to collaborate.