Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Microsoft 365

Egnyte can now scan and classify Microsoft Exchange Online emails

Egnyte now offers email scanning and classification of Microsoft Online Exchange emails and attachments. This is a critical capability for organizations that need to deploy consistent document classification and governance across all documents, whether they exist in an Egnyte cloud repository, with other cloud providers, or on premises.

NC Protect for Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Advanced Information Protection & Compliance

Organizations have sensitive data spread across on-premises and cloud based platforms. This present a major challenge for IT to ensure data integrity and security. NC Protect is both content and context aware to automatically find, classify and secure unstructured data on-premises, in the cloud and in hybrid environments.

Protecting and Managing Microsoft 365 Data

Microsoft 365 provides tools to assist with compliance, but they don’t provide native backup and recovery - they recommend customers backup their data with third-party applications. Rubrik’s SaaS-based approach to data protection for Microsoft 365 ensures critical data is secured, easily discoverable, and always accessible.

Stories from the SOC - Office 365 account compromise and credential abuse

Credential abuse and compromised user accounts are serious concerns for any organization. Credential abuse is often used to access other critical assets within an organization, subsidiaries, or another partner corporation. Once an account is compromised, it can be used for data exfiltration, or to further promote the agenda of a threat actor.