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Staying safe in Slack: Blossom Bariatrics counts on Nightfall for HIPAA compliance

The bariatric surgery market is growing year over year in the United States, from 158,000 surgeries in 2011 to 252,000 surgeries in 2018. Over the last decade, weight loss surgery demand has increased, leading to a boom in the number of clinics offering these procedures. Blossom Bariatrics has become one of the premier bariatric surgery clinics in the Las Vegas area. They provide surgical treatment options for weight loss, plus hernia, gallbladder, and anti-reflux surgeries.

Reducing the Impact of False Positives on Your Resource Workload and Fraud Investigation Speeds

Payment fraud is exploding. So are false positives, customer friction and investigation costs. Unfortunately, as customers continue to pull us down the river of rapid digital transformation, traditional fraud detection systems are being left in the sand.

Don't Let Security Go Up, Up and Away (in the Clouds), Start with Data

Security teams can’t defend what they can’t see. As organizations move more workloads to the cloud, security teams need added visibility into these new workloads or risk having blind spots that lead to compromise. In the first installment of our "Getting Data In" webinar series, "Modernizing your SOC for the Cloud Age Starts with Security Foundations," we demonstrate how to quickly and easily onboard data into Splunk Cloud.

How to Implement Effective Compliance Testing

Compliance testing, also known as conformance testing, is a periodic, independent, and objective assessment of compliance-related processes and/or controls. The goal of compliance testing is to determine whether the elements, processes, and controls of your compliance program are designed appropriately and operating as designed. Compliance testing follows an established process and plan as well as a risk-based approach.

2020: the year cybersecurity went from a technology problem to a business issue

In March when businesses enforced a work-from-home policy because of the pandemic, many probably thought the move would last a few weeks or so. Well, here we are, in the heat of the summer or depth of winter, depending on your hemisphere, and some businesses are still working remotely, while others have made the return to the office.

Create and Manage API Users in the Veracode Platform

In this video, you will learn how to configure an API service account in the Veracode Platform. To be able to access the Veracode APIs, you must either have a user account or API service account with the required user roles for performing specific API tasks. Before you can configure these two account types, you must log into the Veracode Platform using an account with the Administrator role or Team Admin role. A user account with the required role permissions can access the Results XML API, Upload XML API, and the Mitigation and Comments XML API.

CIS Controls: Use Cases and Cost Justification

Across the cybersecurity community, there’s wide agreement that the Center for Internet Security’s 20 CIS Controls act as a gold standard framework for system hardening and attack surface reduction. What’s not so widely agreed-upon is the best way to implement the controls, as organizations have a surplus of cybersecurity solutions to choose from to get the job done.

3 Areas of Your IT Infrastructure that SCM Can Help to Secure

Gone are the days when security teams could focus all of their efforts on keeping attackers out of the network. There’s no inside or outside anymore. The modern network is porous; it allows greater numbers and types of devices to connect to it from all over the world. This characteristic might serve organizations’ evolving business needs as they pursue their respective digital transformations. But it complicates their security efforts.

Your Ultimate Guide to Managing Productivity in a Remote Workplace

The age of the digital nomad is here, and people realize that working 9 to 5 within the confines of an enterprise office isn’t the only way to make a living. Today’s technology allows people to work anytime and anywhere. Even within an office environment, work is often largely carried out online.