
Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
  |  By Veriato Team
Insider threat detection in corporate security is essential due to insiders’ access to sensitive information and potential for harm. This challenge extends beyond employees to contractors and automated systems, encompassing risks like data breaches and espionage. With workplaces becoming digitalized, traditional security measures fall short, necessitating a comprehensive approach that blends technology, policy, and culture.
  |  By Veriato Team
User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) is vital in safeguarding sensitive information and systems. It offers an innovative and dynamic security approach beyond traditional measures. By analyzing and comparing user behavior patterns against established baselines, UEBA systems intelligently detect anomalies that could signify a security breach.
  |  By Veriato Team
Remote work is becoming increasingly common, and data breaches are a constant threat. The importance of employee monitoring software has never been more pronounced. For businesses looking to safeguard their digital assets while optimizing workforce productivity, selecting the right software is a decision that can have significant implications. This article will guide you through the options and considerations for choosing your business’s ideal employee monitoring solution.
  |  By Veriato Team
Businesses continually seek solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity. Employee monitoring software has emerged as a pivotal tool. It’s a technology designed to track and analyze employees’ work-related activities, offering insights into how work hours are spent. As businesses and organizations strive to optimize operations, understanding the capabilities and applications of such software becomes increasingly crucial.
  |  By Ray Diwakar
Threat detection is essential, as it serves to locate and minimize the threat as quickly and effectively as possible. However, some companies are starting to embrace an earlier line of defense that Gartner calls human-centric security. The tech research firm lists it as the number one cyber security trend of 2023 and has forecasted that 50% of CISOs will adopt this new approach by 2027.
  |  By Elizabeth Harz
According to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report, worker stress is at an all-time high. While other issues related to the pandemic have subsided, stress is causing trouble for organizations, especially those with remote workers, where it is harder to spot issues. Where there is stress, there is risk. Employees make more mistakes and are more likely to intentionally create other problems for employers.
  |  By David Morrow
March 2023 marks approximately three years since the world shut down at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, organizations have seen their workforce change considerably. What was originally a short term plan to work from home has become ingrained in our new work culture. According to a recent LinkedIn poll, at-home work is ticking back up. Only 50% of workers are in the office full-time, the rest work from home full-time or have a hybrid schedule.
  |  By Elizabeth Harz
Many companies are concerned by the uptick in insider risk that’s come with the work-from-home boom. By one estimate, 58% of office workers work from home at least one day a week. This trend creates blind spots for companies. Managers see their employees less often, people work off network and on personal devices, and they keep schedules that don’t adhere to the previous more predictable hours.
  |  By Veriato Team
Elizabeth Harz, CEO of Veriato, gave an interview to ISMG at this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco. In it, Elizabeth covers the challenges of maintaining data security in the remote or hybrid workforce environment and the rising cost of data breaches. She also discusses some of the tools and solutions and can help businesses better manage their cybersecurity challenges.
  |  By Elizabeth Harz
Also known as “bossware” and even “employee surveillance”, employee monitoring has been placed in the bucket of technologies that companies force on their employees. Whatever you call it, its use is on the rise and it looks like it’s here to stay. As of 2022, 60% of companies use some kind of software to monitor employees. General productivity isn’t the only justification for implementing employee monitoring.
  |  By Veriato
Join Ray Diwakar, Veriato's CPTO, as he demos the next-gen version of our insider risk management and predictive behavior intelligence solution.
  |  By Veriato
In this webinar, a panel of experts will discuss the cost of insider threats to their businesses and their challenges in mitigating the risk with a hybrid workforce.
  |  By Veriato
Elizabeth Harz, CEO of Veriato, gave an interview to ISMG at this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco. In it, Elizabeth covers the challenges of maintaining data security in the remote or hybrid workforce environment and the rising cost of data breaches. She also discusses some of the tools and solutions and can help businesses better manage their cybersecurity challenges.
  |  By Veriato
Learn about the latest features and product enhancements in the new Veriato Vision 1.5.1 Release.
  |  By Veriato
Join us as we walk through the user interface, dashboards and reporting capabilities of Veriato Vision.
  |  By Veriato
Hear from the Veriato product team on the latest Cerebral 9.3.1 release, including a demo of the latest features and enhancements.
  |  By Veriato
In this co-hosted webinar from Veriato and Endpoint Protector, the leaders in Workforce Behavior Analytics and Data Loss Protection respectively, you'll find out how to boost your workforce productivity and keep sensitive data secure for the year ahead.
  |  By Veriato
In our post-COVID, work from home world, employee monitoring and Insider Threat Protection have never been more important or in-demand. These essential tools ensure employee productivity while protecting sensitive data and industry compliance. Join us for a free webinar on 18th October at 15.30 IST, brought to you by Veriato, the leader in activity monitoring and insider risk solutions for the work from anywhere world.
  |  By Veriato
Since you're reading this guide, it's likely you recognize the threat insiders pose to an organization and the need to proactively build a plan to monitor, detect, and respond to potential and active threats. Insiders pose a real threat - 28% of data breaches are perpetrated by insiders, and institutional fraud is almost always an insider.
  |  By Veriato
Organizations focused on security threats tend to focus on the external attacker. Solutions used to secure the perimeter, endpoints, email, and data are put in place. While absolutely necessary, they organizations lack the ability to equally protect against the insider - the employee that puts the organization at risk through either malicious intent or negligence.
  |  By Veriato
Someday, sometime, an employee with access to sensitive data, intellectual property, or trade secrets is going to leave your company, which makes their departure risky to the organization. Sure, you've "trusted" them as part of their employment, but when the time comes to change jobs, you can't always be certain about the motive for the move.
  |  By Veriato
The results of the SANS survey on insider threats show that organizations are starting to recognize the importance of protecting against the insider threat but struggle to deal with it; as one might expect, larger organizations are more likely to have provisions for responding to such threats.
  |  By Veriato
The class of cyber actor with the greatest capacity to cause harm to organizations is not the so called state-sponsored hacker or cyber-terrorists. It is the "insider" - the company's employees, ex-employees, and trusted vendors.
  |  By Veriato
Organizations seeking to meet HIPAA requirements are expected to demonstrate proper use of patient data through appropriate administrative and technical safeguards. While most organizations focus their efforts on implementing safeguards that revolve around an EHR system already designed to be HIPAA compliant, today's computing environments facilitate the ability to repurpose accessed patient data in an unauthorized fashion, quickly, easily, and conveniently.
  |  By Veriato
Nearly all financial services companies and financial institutions are subject to a number of compliance mandates. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act both provide specific guidance on how financial services organizations need to protect consumer data within financial systems.
  |  By Veriato
There are many reasons why employees work from home. For some it's about removing distractions and finishing work. For others, productivity is thought to be higher overall. And for some, it's about maintaining a work-life balance.
  |  By Veriato
The theft of intellectual property is likely at the top of your list of concerns. The manufacturing industry generally shares your concern - intellectual property theft is considered the #1 cyber threat facing manufacturers today, as well as being the top data protection concern .
  |  By Veriato
Effective on May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union stands to change how many companies worldwide do business involving European Union citizens. For the first time, the concept of what constitutes personal information has been expanded by GDPR.

Veriato uses advanced behavioral analysis and context-rich user behavior logging to protect your company’s most sensitive data.

Veriato specializes in providing insight and actionable intelligence into the activities and behaviors of users: employees, contractors, and those who seek to steal their credentials. Learn why security-focused industries, from defense to healthcare, trust Veriato to protect their most sensitive data.

Veriato is an innovator in actionable User Behavior Analytics and the global leader in User Activity Monitoring. More than 36,000 companies, schools, and government entities worldwide utilize Veriato solutions to gain insight into the user activity on their network, and enjoy the security and productivity increases that come with it.

Veriato's award-winning solutions include the world’s leading employee investigation tool (Veriato Investigator), the award winning insider threat solution (Veriato Recon), enterprise-grade User Activity Monitoring (Veriato 360), and robust Event and Security Log Management (Log Manager).