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April 2018

Employee Monitoring Ethics | Ethically Monitoring Employees

All employers want to create a workplace where employees feel safe, valued, and trusted. We know that work satisfaction breeds life satisfaction, and generates more productivity and engagement among employees. As leaders, we naturally question the ethicality of any system involving data and privacy, because we want to make sure our workforce feels protected and trusted. When it comes to employee monitoring, the practice can sound much more sinister than it actually is.

The Benefits of Starting A User Activity Monitoring System

If you’re on the fence about starting a user activity monitoring system across devices or networks, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the investment, or if you should just be more trusting of your employees. After all, you don’t want them to feel like they’re being micro-managed or taint their opinion of management.

The Growth of AI and Employee Monitoring In the Workplace

Recently the Economist published two articles that discussed the increasing use of AI and employee monitoring in the workplace. Veriato is pleased that we were referenced in both of these articles. We feel they did a good job of presenting a balanced view of the benefits both AI and employee monitoring offer, as well as the potential downsides if they are not implemented and used wisely.