Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2020

Top Benefits of Using an Employee Time Tracking App

Did you know that you can use your employee time tracking app for more than digitizing worker timecards? Computer monitoring software with timekeeping capabilities is the ideal tool for maximizing company-wide productivity and profitability. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of using an employee time tracking app.

Your Ultimate Guide to Managing Productivity in a Remote Workplace

The age of the digital nomad is here, and people realize that working 9 to 5 within the confines of an enterprise office isn’t the only way to make a living. Today’s technology allows people to work anytime and anywhere. Even within an office environment, work is often largely carried out online.

5 Cyber Threats That Won't Disappear After The Pandemic

In 2020, security trends have mutated in a matter of months. Since February, the FBI has reported a 300% jump in reported cybercrimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alone has registered over 18,257 COVID-19 security complaints that consequentially equates to nearly $13.44 million in losses.