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March 2019

What You Should Know About Ransomware in 2019

It’s estimated that Ransomware costs will climb to roughly $11.5 billion in 2019, according to CSO Online. The frequency of attacks continues to increase as well. According to a report on Ransomware, these attacks occurred once every 120 seconds in early 2016. By 2017 this spiked to an attack occurring every 40 seconds. In 2019, the frequency is expected to grow to an attack happening every 14 seconds.

Five ways AI is being used in the cybersecurity industry

At a point in time, smart devices and robotics were common elements in the storyline of futuristic fictional novels. Today, those concepts are the modern norm across the technology industry. Similarly, in cybersecurity, pioneering professionals held on to seemingly far-fetched dreams where logs were easy to analyze, and false positives didn’t exist. While these challenges still exist, artificial intelligence (AI) is making these once far-fetched dreams the new norm in the security industry.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used all around us and if you’ve used some sort of voice activated technology to make your life easier, then there was likely some element of AI involved. Some of the most notable examples include Siri, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Tesla semi-autonomous vehicles. Individual consumers no longer have to fumble around in the dark to flip the light switch at home, manually search playlists for songs, or type in a password to get into smartphones.

What is Machine Learning?

Over the last century, our technology devices have gone from being clunky systems that require tons of human interaction, to modern machines that seem to have a mind of their own. Our phones can do things like autocomplete sentences before we finish typing, suggest purchases based on sites we’ve visited in the past, and even predict our schedules on any given day based on our prior habits. This is all possible due to the growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning.