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March 2018

Internet of Things security practices for your business

Wearables, smart speakers, remote security systems, connected cars, inventory trackers, smart headphones: these are just a handful of the connected devices in modern workplaces. The Internet of Things (IoT), or internet-enabled devices that collect and act upon data, is becoming more popular with ever-increasing applications. Far beyond a smart coffee pot that automatically gets the brew going to start the workday, the Internet of Things is changing business security and vulnerability in a big way.

5 employee cyber security training questions you need to ask

Chances are your organization already addresses cyber security to some extent in new employee onboarding. Whether that’s traditional training videos on cyber security that employees watch on their own time, presentations by IT, or brochures, most employees know that their companies have cyber security protocol and best practices. But how many of your employees actually know what the protocol and practices are?

Why Zero Trust Is Not As Bad As It Sounds

"Zero Trust" refers to a network security strategy that calls for all users – internal and external – to be authenticated before gaining access to the network. Zero Trust means organizations never implicitly trust anyone with their sensitive data. Instead of using a blanket network perimeter, Zero Trust networks implement a series of micro-perimeters around data so only users with clearance to access certain data points can get to them.