Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2018

7 Steps to Building an Insider Threat Program

Since you're reading this guide, it's likely you recognize the threat insiders pose to an organization and the need to proactively build a plan to monitor, detect, and respond to potential and active threats. Insiders pose a real threat - 28% of data breaches are perpetrated by insiders, and institutional fraud is almost always an insider.

How Employee Monitoring Keeps Clinical Trial Data Secure

Clinical trials are a crucial step in developing new life sciences products such as drugs and medical devices. All tests – whether with large or small groups of people – require medical and personal information from patients upfront, and then proceed to collect data throughout the process. Ultimately, research companies are responsible for large sets of sensitive data and securing that information should be a top priority.

Data Security Requirements for Federal Contractors

Federal contractors are private entities that fulfill governmental needs. As such, they are trusted with sensitive, private federal information which makes them obvious targets for cyber attacks. The government has recently ramped up data security requirements for federal contractors, demanding more software, hardware and accountability from them.