Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2020

Managing Cyber Threats to Operational Technology

In the fast-paced and highly commercialized world of manufacturing, better automation creates a valuable competitive edge. The physical systems leveraged in the industry, the machinery, and the manual processes have all become more automated since the first industrial revolution. Today, smart systems that leverage advanced technologies such as machine learning and integrated IoT control are creating a next-generation industrial environment often termed 4.0.

How Can You Detect an Insider Threat?

Data security is a term we’re all pretty used to hearing by now, but cybercriminals are only one part of the equation. Did you know that internal employees can also pose a threat to your business? Insider threats are caused by internal staff, employees, or partners who either wish to cause the company harm - or who simply compromise your organization’s data security through carelessness or lack of training.

Monitoring A Hybrid Workforce, The New Norm

Before Covid-19, there were many reasons why employees worked remotely. For some, it was about removing distractions, and for others, it was about maintaining a healthy work-life balance. But as the world starts to reopen, companies now need to decide whether they continue to allow employees to work remotely or not. According to SHRM, 50% of companies recently surveyed, intend to keep offering a hybrid work arrangement, which means that organizations will need to find ways to monitor and manage employees while they’re in the office or at home. The benefits and challenges of a hybrid workforce Gauging employee productivity and engagement using technology How remote monitoring tools can provide metrics for companies of all sizes

Two-Years Later: The Current State of GDPR & its Impact on Businesses

In April 2016, European legislators passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and announced that it would become enforceable in May 2018. With less than 24 months to get their acts together and avoid hefty fines, organizations scrambled to prepare for compliance. Data breaches have unfortunately become the norm over recent years, and the legislation was formed to better regulate and hold these companies accountable for protecting individual privacy rights.

Veriato Vision Intro and Demo

Veriato Vision employee monitoring software lets you record and track all of your employees' activity... so you’ll know if they are working hard or hardly working. Vision gives you granular control over what activities and programs you monitor. Once the Vision software is deployed on the company's PCs, Macs, and Androids, you can remotely monitor by the department, group, or individual. Additionally, you can monitor employees that are off-network or working remotely.

Protect Your Business with Digital Forensics Software

The world has been moving toward a fully connected workplace model for years, even prior to COVID-19. Now, understanding your company’s digital presence - and footprint - is more important than ever. Everything you or your employees do online could have lasting consequences for you, your employees, and your brand. Digital forensics provides you with a concrete, analytical way to investigate personnel claims and provide the necessary evidence to properly assess internal issues.