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ONUG 2022 How Goldman Sachs Uses a Digital Twin Platform to Improve Security, Agility & Reliability

The network team at Goldman Sachs has reduced application delivery time to under one hour, successfully scaled their automation stack, and reduced P1 outages by implementing Forward Enterprise across their entire network. Joshua Matheus, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, will detail the pain points that motivated the need for a single source of network truth, describe the process of selecting and implementing a digital twin, and outline the results that his network team has achieved since deployment.

ONUG Spring 2022 Session: Verify security posture in hybrid multi-cloud environments

In an era when hybrid multi-cloud environments are the norm, extending the carefully architected network security policies is virtually impossible because IT teams cannot visualize their multi-cloud estate or monitor traffic behavior past the point of egress. Piecing together the cloud security posture requires combining data from multiple siloed applications.