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Mitigating and remediating intent-based Android security vulnerabilities

In previous posts we explored the potential for intent-based Android security vulnerabilities and then used Snyk Code to find exploits in popular apps on the Google Play store. If you know Snyk, you also know there’s no way we can just point out vulnerabilities and not recommend fixes. Analyzing such an extensive dataset enabled us to review a lot of code.

Lookout and Jamf: Defending Against Mobile Threats

I’m pleased to share that Jamf and Lookout have formed a partnership to integrate Jamf Pro with Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security. Jamf provides mobile device management for Apple devices and specializes in serving IT professionals, schools and small businesses. Together, Lookout and Jamf enable your organization to deploy and provision iOS devices while protecting them against mobile threats such as phishing and network attacks.

Addressing 5G security with threat modeling

5G introduces security concerns but threat modeling can help you make better informed decisions about your application security risks. 5G is fundamentally different from 4G, LTE, or any other network the telecommunications industry has ever seen before. It promises data rates 100 times faster than 4G, network latency of under 1 millisecond, support for 1 million devices/sq. km., and 99.999% availability of the network.

Complete Cyber Security Jargons by Appknox

Cyberattacks are getting common and their impact is quite severe. Security breaches are no longer limited to a few large tech companies. Cybercriminals have rapidly altered tactics and started targeting several Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well. Today, companies, big or small, are targets of ransomware, viruses, malware, bots etc. Hence, it is important to understand some of the common cybersecurity keywords or jargon.

Code Blue: Healthcare Security in the Age of 5G and Remote Work

Last year was an especially stressful time for healthcare systems. Not only were emergency rooms overwhelmed by patients, a number of them were also hit by system-crippling cyberattacks. According to Comparitech, in 2020 alone, 92 ransomware attacks affected over 600 healthcare organizations, exposing more than 18 million patient records. These attacks brought operations to a standstill for days or weeks at a time, costing the healthcare industry an estimated $20.8 billion.

Critical Mobile Security Capabilities Everyone Needs

One thing that 2020 taught us is that you can do anything with a mobile device. My smartphone and tablet have become my go-to for shopping, banking, watching TV and video chatting with family and friends. I’m also getting a lot of work done on them. Basically it has become the center of both my personal and professional lives. Here’s the dilemma a lot of organizations are facing: while away from the office, your workers are using their mobile devices to stay productive.

2021 Cybersecurity: Mitigating Mobile Security Risks for CISOs

Cybersecurity has always been a significant challenge for businesses, mostly due to the increasing financial and reputational cost of data breaches. As a result, there has been a consistent rise in tactics and technologies used to combat these threats. These methods fulfill the need for better, smarter ways to augment enterprise-level security and minimize mobile security risks.